​​Minority Depository Institution Preservation

​​​​The Office of Credit Union Resources and Expansion (CURE) oversees the Minority Depository Institution Preservation Program. This program devotes additional efforts toward preserving and promoting eligible minority credit unions as prescribed by Section 367 of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act. The program offers merger partner preference to minority depository institutions (whenever feasible), technical assistance, training, education programs, mentoring, chartering assistance and other resources to help minority depository institutions flourish. To learn more about the program, please review the final Minority Depository Institution Preservation Program Interpretive Ruling and Policy Statement 13-1.

How does a credit union qualify as an MDI?

A credit union needs to self-designate as meeting the minority depository definition by answering minority questions within the Credit Union Online Profile system. To qualify as a minority depository institution in the policy statement, a federally insured credit union’s percentage of potential minority members, current minority members and minority board members must each exceed 50 percent. A “minority” is defined as any “Black American, Asian American, Hispanic American, or Native American” as defined in Section 308 of the Financial Institutions Reform, Recovery, and Enforcement Act of 1989. You can access sources of data relevant to self-certifying as a minority depository institution at:

U.S Census

FFIEC – Online Census Data 


A list of minority depository institutions is available here.

Annual Reports to Congress

Section 367 of the Dodd-Frank Act requires NCUA to establish a program to preserve credit unions designated as minority depository institutions and to submit the following reports to Congress on our efforts to comply with this mandate.

Year Report
2019 Get Report
2018 Get Report
2017 Get Report
2016 Get Report
2015 Get Report
2014 Get Report
2013 Get Report
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