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Innovative materials with increased functionality can improve the energy productivity of U.S. manufacturing. Materials with novel properties will enable energy savings in energy-intensive processes and applications and will create a new design space for renewable energy generation.

Breakthroughs in materials science and engineering are needed to enable these new capabilities. Our R&D portfolio will pursue promising materials technologies that offer the potential for major energy, carbon, and economic benefits. Click the areas below to view our current projects in each.

Thermal and Degradation Resistant Materials

Innovative materials that are more durable in high-temperature environments than traditional materials will improve productivity, avoid down time, and increase energy productivity. The goal is to increase service life tenfold, decreasing the energy intensity of the materials and components.

Highly Functional, High-Performance Materials

Advanced industrial materials deployed in energy production and energy transfer equipment can improve the performance of that equipment by 50% or more. Examples include advanced composites, hybrid materials, engineered polymers, and low-density/high-strength metals or alloys.

Lower-Cost Materials for Energy Systems

The development and manufacture of materials that offer improved functional properties at low cost can cut the cost of finished products by half. Examples include lower-cost photovoltaic materials and wind system components, electrochemical and thin-film materials, refractories and insulation materials, and materials for heat exchangers or other waste heat recovery technologies.

New materials and associated production technologies will help America's manufacturers to reduce costs, reduce energy use, reduce pollution, improve product quality, and increase competitiveness.