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Through AMO’s public-private R&D consortia, manufacturers, small businesses, universities, national laboratories, and state and local governments are brought together to pursue coordinated early-stage R&D in high-priority areas essential to energy in manufacturing. The consortia – while having distinct technology focus areas - work towards a common goal: to secure America’s future through manufacturing innovation, education, and collaboration. Federal funding is the catalyst to bring stakeholders into shared spaces and to address process and technological challenges, that present a significant degree of scientific or technical uncertainty. Participants in the R&D Consortia gain access to collaborative communities, expertise, and physical and virtual tools to foster innovation of promising technologies.

Additionally, our five institutes are part of Manufacturing USA, a network of regional institutes that each have a specialized technology focus. These institutes facilitate the transition of innovative advanced materials, information, and process technologies to industry by enabling manufacturing scale-up and helping to develop national capabilities that enable future global leadership and workforce development in advanced manufacturing.

Accelerating Smart Manufacturing Adoption
DOE’s Clean Energy Smart Manufacturing Innovation Institute announced up to $4 million in new funding to improve energy-intensive manufacturing processes.
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Advanced Manufacturing Consortia

Clean Energy Smart Manufacturing Innovation Institute (CESMII)
Advancing sensors, controls, modeling, data analytics simulation, and platform development to radically improve the efficiency of U.S. manufacturing.
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Critical Materials Institute: An Energy Innovation Hub
Diversify supply, develop substitutes, improve reuse and recycling of rare earth metals and materials, that are crucial for clean energy technologies.
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Institute for Advanced Composites Manufacturing Innovation (IACMI)
Developing cutting-edge manufacturing technologies for low-cost, energy-efficient manufacturing of advanced polymer composites for many applications.
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Manufacturing Demonstration Facility (MDF) at Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Collaborations with industry aim to develop additive manufacturing technologies that reduce life cycle energy, lower costs, and create new products.
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The Rapid Advancement in Process Intensification Deployment (RAPID) Institute
Focused on breakthrough technologies to dramatically improve energy efficiency of novel chemical manufacturing processes.
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Clean Energy Manufacturing Innovation Institute for Reducing Embodied-Energy and Decreasing Emissions (REMADE)
Dramatically reduce life cycle energy consumption through the development of technologies for reuse, recycling, and remanufacturing of materials.
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Accelerating development of advanced semiconductor components made with silicon carbide and gallium nitride into a wide range of products and systems.
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Technology Roadmaps and Projects

Each research and development consortia outlines key priorities and strategies in these technology specific roadmaps, designed to spur innovation.
Each research and development consortia is actively engaged in collaborative projects with researchers and industry.

Partner Engagement

The Advanced Manufacturing Office developed an interactive map of all partners and projects with data for fiscal year 2016. Click on the map and use this tool to search for a specific project, partner and other information. 

AMO partnerships map thumbnail