Financial Management Information

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Financial Management Information

The Financial Management (FMD) provides financial management programs, policies, systems, and services to enable the Farm Service Agency (FSA), Foreign Agriculture Service (FAS), and the Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC) producer’s effective ways to maintain payment information.

Click for overview of Financial Management (PDF, 185 KB)

Getting Access

Some FSA online services require a USDA Service Center Customer ID and password. This access enables customers to obtain accounts that will allow them to access USDA Web applications and services via the Internet. This includes submitting forms electronically, completing surveys online and checking the status of your USDA accounts. Please Register now to obtain an ID and password for level 2 USDA eAuthentication credentials.

FSA Corrective Action Plans

Every year, USDA agencies with programs susceptible to making payment errors (High-Risk Programs), sample and test financial transactions made during the prior fiscal year. The results provide a statistical analysis of the payment integrity rate of the programs and identifies potential opportunities to improve financial stewardship over program resources. The results and findings are published in the USDA Agency Financial Report which is posted to the USDA and Office of Management and Budget websites each year on November 15th.

Since payment integrity testing results are based on analyzing the prior year’s financial transactions, the successes and improvements resulting from corrective actions are reported the following year. The hard-working men and woman of USDA continue to implement corrective actions to resolve specific root causes that improve USDA’s payment integrity rates, strategically strengthen sound financial management, and improve efficient and effective delivery and access of USDA programs and services to all of our customers.

Click here to view the FSA Corrective Action Plans for FY 2020

Click here to view the FSA Corrective Action Plans for FY 2019

Financial Inquires (FI) – As of October 23, 2018

Effective October 23, 2018, Farm Service Agency (FSA) has launched a new Financial Inquiries application, which is now available for external FSA customers.

The Financial Inquiries will assist you with inquiries on the following:

  • Debt
  • Collections
  • IRS Form Data
  • Payments

The new URL for external FSA customers is:

The new launch of the Financial Inquiries application will provide our customers with:

  • 6 years of data for payments, collections, and IRS forms,
  • all years of data for debt
  • user friendly design that is more consistent with other FSA applications
  • More consistent look and feel with other FSA applications
  • 508 Compliance
  • required user roles to protect customer Personally Identifiable Information (PII).

What can I find in Financial Inquiries?

FSA sincerely apologizes for any inconvenience during this customer service upgrade.

Disbursement Statements

Disbursement Statements are producer records of payments prepared.

What is on my Disbursement Statement? Example of a Statement (PDF, 1 MB)

Financial Services

Financial Services is a web-based application which provides customers the ability to enter information on:

  • Assignments: The transfer of the right to receive a cash payment from a producer (assignor) who is eligible to receive FSA or CCC farm program payments to an assignee. Form CCC-36 must be filled out in the County Office, if producer is not using the web-based application.
  • Direct Deposits: Producer may enter bank routing number and account number to have payments made electronically to your bank account.
  • Joint Payments: To have payment made payable to producer and third party.

What can I do in Financial Services? Financial Services Presentation (PDF, 3.71 MB)

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