
The goal of collections research is to dramatically improve the value of collected data from all sources by developing new sensor and transmission technologies, new collection techniques that more precisely target desired information, and means for collecting information from previously inaccessible sources. In addition, IARPA pursues new mechanisms for combining information gathered from multiple sources to enhance the quality, reliability, and utility of collected information.

Areas of interest include:

  • Innovative methods or tools for identifying and/or creating novel sources of new information
  • Sensor technologies that dramatically improve the reach, sensitivity, size, weight, and power for collection of broad signal or signature types
  • Methods for combining different measures and/or sensors to improve performance and accuracy of systems
  • Approaches for assessing and quantifying the ecological-validity of behavioral, neuro- and social science research
  • Secure communication to and from collection points
  • Innovative approaches to gain access to denied environments
  • Tagging, tracking, and location techniques
  • Electrically small antennas and other advanced radio frequency (RF) concepts
  • Agile architectures that intelligently distill useful information at the point of collection
  • Innovative means and methods to ensure the veracity of data collected from a variety of sources
  • Automated methods for sensor data fusion without predefined interface descriptions
  • Approaches to enable signal collection systems to conduct more effective targeted information acquisition rather than bulk collection
  • Tools to identify and mask signal streams and records that contain personal information to avoid unauthorized collection and dissemination.

Current Research | View Past Research

ProgramResearch AreaProgram Manager
Amon-Hen Space situational awareness, optical interferometry, fiber optics, image reconstruction, computational imaging, small aperture telescopes, adaptive optics, astrometry, astronomy, optical sensors, optics, optical design  Merrick J. DeWitt
FELIX Biological detection, systems biology, synthetic biology, genome editing, bioinformatics, evolutionary biology Robert Rahmer
Fun GCAT Bioinformatics, DNA sequence screening, functional genomics, systems biology, infectious disease, and synthetic biology Paul Kolb
HFGeo Communication systems, ionosphere, antennas, geolocation, electromagnetics, radio frequency Jack Cooper
Ithildin Sorbent chemistry, polymer chemistry, encapsulation, nanotechnology, micro-engineered materials, reaction kinetics, chemical analysis techniques Kristen Jordan
LHO Low acoustic small UAV aircraft, novel access, acoustic perception & minimum infrastructure Sam Wilson
MAEGLIN Chemical detection and identification (including standoff, remote, and ultra-compact/low power approaches), spectroscopy/spectrometry/chromatography, optical sensors, novel laser designs, frequency combs, nonlinear optics, fiber optic sensors/lasers/devices Kristen Jordan
MOSAIC Behavioral science, cognitive psychology, human performance, mobile computing, context sensing, signal processing, data fusion, machine learning, data privacy and security Steve Rieber
Odin Biometrics, presentation attack, machine learning, computer vision  Lars Ericson
Proteos Proteomics, single amino acid polymorphisms, genetically variable peptides, genomics, statistical analysis, molecular biology, human identification, forensic analysis, trace evidence samples Kristen Jordan
RESILIENCE Materials chemistry, energy storage (batteries), electrochemistry Dawson Cagle
SILMARILS Chemical detection and identification (including standoff, remote, and ultra-compact/low power approaches), spectroscopy/spectrometry/chromatography, optical sensors, novel laser designs, frequency combs, nonlinear optics, fiber optic sensors/lasers/devices Kristen Jordan
SMART Remote sensing, image processing, atmospheric correction, machine learning, radiometric calibration, multi-spectral, multi-temporal, datacube, data fusion, automation, spaceborne, Geo-resgistration, change detection, classification, pixel-based Jack Cooper

Past Research

ProgramResearch Area
ATHENA Cybersecurity
BEST Biometrics, facial recognition, sensors, perception
BIC Weapons of mass destruction, chemical/biological warfare, human biomarkers, emerging biotechnologies
GHO Low acoustic aircraft propulsion, low acoustic power generators, novel access, sensors, perception
SHARP Cognition, psychometrics, fluid reasoning and intelligence, neuroscience, human performance
SLiCE Communication systemts, geolocation, electromagnetics, radio frequency
TRUST Interpersonal trust, neurophysiology, behavioral science, advanced data analytics, social science