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Trademark Electronic Application System - TEAS Application

Post-Approval/Publication/Post-Notice of Allowance (NOA) Amendment
TEAS - Version 5.0 : 10/27/2012

For more information regarding any of the following questions or topics, either go to HELP or click on the underlined word. You may use the following Post-Publication Amendment form only to:
  • File a proposed amendment to an application that (1) the examining attorney has approved for publication; or (2) has already published for opposition but where the registration certificate or notice of allowance has neither been prepared for issuance nor actually issued. This form may be used if an extension of time to file a Notice of Opposition has been filed, but not when a Notice of Opposition has been filed.

WARNING: Any post-publication amendment must be submitted and processed at least twenty (20) days before the scheduled registration date or mailing date of the notice of allowance. If the mark is scheduled to register, after registration you may file the proposed amendment as a Section 7 Request Form. If the notice of allowance has issued or is scheduled to be issued, you may submit the proposed amendment when filing the statement of use. For more information about the post-publication amendment process, click the appropriate category below:

WARNING: This form has a session time limit of 60 minutes. Your "session" began as soon as you accessed this initial Form Wizard page. If you exceed the 60-minute time limit, the form will not validate and you must begin the entire process again; you can, however, extend the time limit. You should always try to have all information required to complete the form prior to starting any session.

Required fields are indicated with an asterisk (*). A declaration will automatically appear at the end of the actual form in appropriate instances, which must be signed if a "#" symbol precedes a specific item listed on the form by someone who is a "proper party to sign on behalf of applicant" under Trademark Rule 2.33. If not required, the declaration may simply be left unsigned. However, the information for the Post-Publication Amendment signature section must always be entered.

STEP 1: Enter serial number or access saved form:

: (required only if preparing a Post-Publication Amendment for the first time; if you have already saved a form, use the option below)

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Fri Feb 15 18:50:00 EST 2013