Infrastructure Security Division

Montage of pictures depicting various critical infrastructure sectors (from top left clockwise): drop of water hitting a body of water sending ripples out for the Water and Wastewater Sector; highway with cars beside train tracks with trains for the Transportation Systems Sector; antenna for the Communications Sector; server room for the Information and Technology Sector; storage tanks for the Chemical Sector; suspension bridge for the Transportation Systems Sector; and electric wires and electricty towers for the Energy Sector.CISA’s Infrastructure Security Division coordinates and collaborates  across government and the private sector. The Division conducts and facilitates vulnerability and consequence assessments to help critical infrastructure owners and operators and State, local, tribal, and territorial partners understand and address risks to critical infrastructure. It also provides information on emerging threats and hazards so that appropriate actions can be taken, as well as tools and training to partners to help partners in government and industry manage the risks to their assets, systems, and networks.

Vision and Mission

The vision of the  Infrastructure Security Division is secure and resilient critical infrastructure across the Nation achieved through sound risk management, collaboration, information sharing, innovation, effective program management, and a highly skilled workforce.

The mission is to lead the national effort to secure critical infrastructure from all hazards by managing risk and enhancing resilience through collaboration with the critical infrastructure community.

Strategic Plan

The Office of Infrastructure Protection Strategic Plan: 2012-2016 addresses the Department’s responsibilities for safeguarding critical infrastructure, both physical and cyber, by reducing risk, sharing information, enhancing resilience, and promoting preparedness for all hazards.

Last Updated Date: November 21, 2018

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