The Advanced Photon Source
a U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science User Facility

Optics (XSD-OPT)

The core mission of the Optics Group is to facilitate the efficient and productive use and operation of APS beamline-based research facilities. In support of this mission, the Optics group:

  • Operates and develops instruments and tools to fabricate and characterize x-ray optical elements, such as single crystal-monochromators, mirrors, multilayers, and other specialized optics and substrates.
  • Carries out R&D jointly with the APS beamline scientists and user community, often in collaboration with other facilities to keep the Group at the forefront of x-ray optics.
  • Develops and maintains advanced simulation tools for optimizing the design of beamline optics and optical systems, and data analysis software for beamline characterization tools; and
  • Operates the 1-BM Optics and Detectors Testing Beamline to test and characterize optics for APS beamlines and users.

The group is composed of three sections: the first section focuses on mirrors, multilayers optics and metrology; the second section deals with crystal optics fabrication and laboratory crystal optics characterization and topography; and the third section deals with the operations and development of the 1-BM Optics and Detectors Testing Beamline.

Work Request Form
To submit a work request to the Optics group, select the Work Request Form link
Crystal Optics Fabrication and Characterization
Comprehensive in-house infrastructure, capabilities and expertise for fabricating and developing almost all kinds of crystal-based X-ray optics-A unique capability in the US.
Mirrors and Multilayer Optics
Develop and fabricate single and multilayer thin film optics, as well as experimental samples, primarily for APS beamlines and users. Staff are available for consultation regarding thin-film deposition materials selection and general optical component design or simulation.
Optical Metrology
The mission of the metrology laboratory is to evaluate optical quality of x-ray mirrors and substrates to be used in the APS beamlines, in order to ensure compliance with the user's specifications in terms of surface figure error and finish. The lab can characterize x-ray mirror-bender assemblies and specialized optics as well as carry out joint R&D programs to develop new metrology measurement techniques and instrumentation.
1-BM Optics and Detectors Testing Beamline
Current optics Testing Capabilities include: monochromatic topography, white beam topography, Talbot grating interferometry, K-B mirrors testing, Zone plate and multilayer layer Laue lens (MLL) testing.

Experiment proposal requests can be submitted using the APS Users proposal portal

Beamline Optics Simulation and Characterization
Provide optics simulation and beamline characterization (flux, beam size, vibration, wavefront and coherence) supports to APS beamlines. Develop advanced optics simulation methods and wavefront and coherence measurement techniques.