The Advanced Photon Source
a U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science User Facility

New User Checklist

  1. Register with the APS User Office to receive a badge number (required for submitting a proposal) and begin site access approval process.
  2. Submit a proposal.
  3. Establish a legal agreement between APS and your home institution, if one is not already in place (required for all users).
  4. Establish a user account, if one is needed, by setting up a purchase order to pay for supplies and services or for proprietary beam time.

After you are awarded beam time...

  1. Complete all training.
  2. Arrange for delivery and return of samples/materials.
  3. Complete an Experiment Safety Assessment Form (ESAF) for your experiment.
  4. Notify APS of your arrival by using the check-in tab in My APS Portal.

After you have completed your experiment...

  1. Complete an End of Experiment form (EEF); experiment spokesperson receives instructions.
  2. Acknowledge the APS and the beamline in any resulting publications.
  3. Notify APS of publications resulting from APS data.


Notification to Users:

The U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science (SC), which is the primary sponsor of APS, requires that a limited set of information relating to your user project/experiment be transmitted to SC at the conclusion of the current fiscal year. A subset of this information, including your name, institutional affiliation(s), and project title(s), will be publicly disseminated as part of an SC user facility user projects/experiments database on the SC website,, after the conclusion of the fiscal year. For proprietary projects, SC requests that the user provide a project title that is suitable for public dissemination.



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