The Advanced Photon Source
a U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science User Facility

Accelerator Operations & Physics

Mission Statement
  1. Safe, reliable, attentive, and responsive operation of APS accelerator systems, ensuring optimal machine performance, high availability, and excellent service to users.
  2. Application of integrated understanding of accelerator, safety, and facility systems to provide reliable advice, decisions, and scheduling for accelerator operation, repair, maintenance, and enhancement.
  3. Development, maintenance, and application of procedures and software for highly-automated, highly-reliable accelerator operation, characterization, and development.
  4. Development and exploration through simulation and experiment of innovative ideas for accelerator enhancements targeted at improved beam quality and reliability for users.
  5. Development, maintenance, and application of software for accurate, timely simulation of APS accelerator systems.


AOP Group Members

APS MCR operations logbook

