What's New on REMM and the Mobile REMM App?

August, 2020

A summary of the key changes to the REMM web site is listed below, but there are many others that are not listed, especially single references to new publications.

  1. A major new REMM page about fallout from a nuclear detonation, based on a monograph from DOE/Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. Many useful graphics are provided on this page and included in various sections of the REMM  multimedia library. Also included are tables with criteria for decontamination based on various professional publications.
  2. Update to the REMM page about Target Levels for Radiation Decontamination.
  3. Updates to the Crisis Standards of Care page.
  4. New video tutorial for the “Exposure and Symptom Triage” (EAST) Tool for assessing radiation exposure after a nuclear detonation. It is based on the EAST Tool publication.
  5. Four new videos developed by the REMM Team explaining initial medical triage issues after a nuclear detonation to help medical responders understand and plan for initial medical management of patients, and their own response activities in various kinds of medical venues. These are based on the Scarce Resources Project publications.
    The 4 video titles are:
  6. Updated references about radiation triage in mass casualties.
  7. Update to the cytokines page, reflecting FDA approval of new biosimilar myeloid cytokines.
  8. New information about the Radiological Operations Support Specialist (ROSS) program
  9. Links to videos
  10. New links to important radiation emergency information from the National Academy of Medicine (formerly the Institute of Medicine)..
  11. Updates to the Respiratory Protection section of the Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) page with new information on face masks
  12. Updates to the REMM Trainers page.
  13. New links on the REMM Public Information Officer page to many useful radiation infographics aggregated on the RadResponder.net web site, and developed by CDC.
  14. Added links on several REMM pages to the important 2020 update of the Emergency Response Guidebook from the US DOT, with emphasis on pages relevant to radiation incidents

Mobile REMM

Previous updates for REMM
  1. REMM December, 2019 updates
  2. REMM March, 2019 updates
  3. REMM February, 2017 updates
  4. REMM August, 2016 updates
  5. REMM September, 2015 updates
  6. REMM November, 2014 updates
  7. REMM April, 2014 updates
  8. REMM 2013 updates
  9. REMM December, 2012 updates
  10. REMM January, 2012 updates
  11. REMM 2011 updates
  12. REMM 2010 updates
  13. REMM 2009 updates
  14. REMM 2008 updates