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Multimedia Library: Animations, Illustrations, Photos Multimedia Library: Animations, Illustrations, Photos

  1. Radiation Incidents: Multimedia Library
    1. How Radiation Emergencies are Discovered
    2. Identify Types of Radiation Incident
    3. Terminology to Describe Radiation Incidents
    4. Recovery Continuum Timelines and Tasks - Illustration
    5. Three Phases of the Response to an RDD or IND
    6. Expected Timeline of IND Detonation - Illustration
    7. Dirty Bomb: Radiological Dispersal Device Using Explosive - Illustration
    8. Dispersal of Radioactive Material by Aircraft - Illustration
    9. Radiological Dispersal Device (RDD) Response Guidance Planning for the First 100 Minutes: Document and Videos
    10. Video: Meeting the Needs of First Responders
    11. Hidden Sealed Radioactive Source (Radiological Exposure Device) in Train Car - Illustration
    12. Difference between Dirty Bomb and Fission Bomb - Illustration
    13. RDD: Diagram of Recommended Protective Action Zones after a Hypothetical RDD Explosion
    14. Nuclear Explosion: Mushroom Cloud
    15. Nuclear Power Plant / Nuclear Reactor Emergencies
    16. Nuclear Power Plant Emergency Planning Zones
    17. RDD: Radioactive Dispersal from an Experimental RDD Explosion
    18. RDD: Diagram of Hypothetical Dispersal Possibilities
    19. Video: Emergency Response to Transportation Accident Involving Radioactive Material
    20. Nuclear Explosion: Mushroom Cloud
    21. Approximate Prompt and Delayed Fallout Effects from a 10 kT Detonation - Illustration
    22. Time Sequenced Size of Dangerous Fallout Zone and 0.01 R/Hour Boundary After a Hypothetical 10kT Nuclear Detonation at Ground Level
    23. Video: Demonstration of the Rapidly Shrinking Dangerous Fallout Zone after an IND Detonation
    24. Radiation Triage, Treat, and Transport System (RTR) after a Nuclear Detonation: Venues for the Medical Response
    25. Estimated fallout pattern from nuclear air burst
    26. Factors That Affect Fallout
    27. How blast injuries cause trauma
    28. Flash Blindness
    29. Retinal Burn
    30. Video: Nuclear Detonation Effects
    31. Video: Nuclear Detonation Fallout
    32. Fallout from a Nuclear Detonation: Description and Management
    33. Fallout: Relative Rate Decline of Radioactivity after Nuclear Explosion
    34. Fallout Shrinks Over Time Due to Radioactive Decay - Illustration
    35. Computer Model Example of Fallout/Goundshine at 2 hours after Detonation of Nuclear Device - Illustration
    36. Computer Model of Effects of a 10kT Ground Nuclear Detonation: 2 Hours Post Detonation - Illustration
    37. Zones of Damage after Nuclear Explosion: Generalized
    38. Damage Zones after a Nuclear Detonation: Idealized Map
    39. Thermal skin burns: Example after nuclear blast
    40. How Buildings Provide Shielding from a Nuclear Explosion
    41. How Nuclear Explosions Affect Dwellings: Examples
    42. Selecting a safe room after an IND detonation
    43. Size of the Incident and Potential Affected Areas
    44. How Energy Is Dispersed after Nuclear Explosion: Approximate
    45. Video: Saving Lives After a Nuclear Detonation
    46. Fallout from a Nuclear Detonation: Description and Management
    47. Key Public Messages after an Improvised Nuclear Device Detonation - Illustration
    48. Video: Saving Lives After a Nuclear Detonation
  2. Radiation Basics: Multimedia Library
    1. Video: Biological Effects of Radiation
    2. Electromagnetic Radiation: Ionizing and Non-ionizing
    3. Ionization - Animations
    4. Video: Four types of ionizing radiation
    5. Video: Illustration of Fission
    6. Atomic Number and Atomic Mass
    7. Decay Rate/Half-Life of Radioisotopes - Illustrations
    8. Video: Radiological Basics
    9. Alpha Radiation - Animation
    10. Beta and Gamma Radiation - Animation
    11. Neutron - Illustration
    12. Dose Rate Effect of Radiation Exposure - Illustration
    13. Differences between Contamination and/or Exposure
    14. Types of Ionizing Radiation and Shielding Required - Illustration
    15. Factors that Decrease Radiation from Exposure - Illustration
    16. Radiation Shielding - Illustration
    17. Radiation Shielding - Animation
    18. Video: Time, Distance, Shielding
    19. Becquerel - Animation
    20. Various Units of Dose - Animations
    21. Understanding the Basics About Radiation
    22. Radiation Detection and Survey Devices
    23. Video: Radiation Survey Instruments
    24. Video: Radiological Dosimetry
    25. PPE Image Gallery: Respiratory Protective Equipment - Civilian
    26. PPE Image Gallery: Respiratory Protective Equipment - Military
    27. PPE Image Gallery: Dermal Protective Equipment - Civilian
    28. PPE Image Gallery: Dermal Protective Equipment - Military
  3. Exposure (ARS): Multimedia Library
    1. Radiation Exposure - Whole Body - Animation
    2. Radiation Exposure - Partial Body - Animation
    3. Differences between Contamination and/or Exposure
    4. Time/Dose Effects in Acute Radiation Syndrome (ARS)
    5. Time Phases of Acute Radiation Syndrome (ARS)
    6. Lethality as a Function of Dose and LD50/60 - Illustration
    7. Time to Onset of Vomiting and Dose - Illustration
    8. Dose Estimator for Exposure: 3 Biodosimetry Tools
    9. var astr = 'Print Result';
    10. var astr = 'Print Result';
    11. Managing Acute Radiation Syndrome (ARS)
    12. Radiation Exposure: Diagnose and Manage Acute Radiation Syndrome (ARS)
    13. Video Tutorial: Exposure - Diagnose/Manage Acute Radiation Syndrome
    14. Dose Estimator for Exposure: 3 Biodosimetry Tools
    15. var astr = 'Print Result';
    16. var astr = 'Print Result';
    17. Triage Category and Myeloid Cytokine Use after a Nuclear Detonation
    18. Managing Acute Radiation Syndrome (ARS)
    19. Radiation Exposure + Contamination: Diagnose and Manage
    20. Myeloid Cytokines for Treatment of Acute Exposure to Myelosuppressive Doses of Radiation: Hematopoietic Subsyndrome of Acute Radiation Syndrome (H-ARS)
    21. Use of Blood Products in a Radiation Emergency
    22. Targeted Physical Examination Following a Nuclear Detonation
    23. Hospital Approach to Patients Presenting after a Nuclear Detonation
    24. Types of Ionizing Radiation and Shielding Required - Illustration
    25. Factors that Decrease Radiation from Exposure - Illustration
    26. Radiation Shielding - Illustration
    27. Radiation Shielding - Animation
    28. Lymphocyte Depletion Kinetics Graph - Illustration
    29. Radiation Effects on Blood Counts (1) - Illustration
    30. Radiation Effects on Blood Counts (2) - Illustration
    31. Radiation Effects on Blood Counts (3) - Illustration
    32. Chromosome Aberrations: Dicentric Chromosomes - Illustration
    33. Chromosome Aberrations: Dicentric Chromosomes - Illustration
    34. Conventional Lymphocyte Metaphase-Dicentric Assay - Illustration
    35. Scoring of Dicentrics
    36. Thermal skin burns: Example after nuclear blast
    37. Cutaneous Radiation Syndrome
    38. Simulated RED on Skin Illustrating Dose Attenuation
    39. Video Tutorial: Exposure - Diagnose/Manage Acute Radiation Syndrome
    40. Video Tutorial: Nuclear Detonation Scarce Resources Triage Tool
    41. Implementing the Scarce Resources Project Guidance: Video Teaching Tools
    42. Video Tutorial: Manage 4 Subsyndromes of Acute Radiation Syndrome
    43. Video Tutorial: Dose Estimator for Exposure
    44. Video Tutorial: Time/Dose Effects in ARS
    45. Video Tutorial: Time Phases of Acute Radiation Syndrome
    46. Exposure and Symptom Triage (EAST) Tool
  4. Contamination/Decontamination: Multimedia Library
    1. External Radiation Contamination - Full Body - Animation
    2. External Radiation Contamination: Partial Body - Animation
    3. Wound Contamination with Radioactive Shrapnel - Animation
    4. Internal Radiation Contamination via Respiratory Tract
    5. Internal Radiation Contamination via Digestive Tract
    6. Wound Contamination with Radioactive Dust - Animation
    7. Internal Exposure to Iodine-131 Through Ingestion - Illustration
    8. Incorporation of Radioisotopes into Cells and Organs - Illustration
    9. Differences between Contamination and/or Exposure
    10. Radiation Contamination: Diagnose and Manage
    11. Video Tutorial: Contamination - Diagnose/Manage
    12. Managing Internal Radiation Contamination
    13. Radiation Exposure + Contamination: Diagnose and Manage
    14. Prussian Blue
    15. Hospital Approach to Patients Presenting after a Nuclear Detonation
    16. Video: Decontamination of Children
    17. Video: Emergency Response to Transportation Accident Involving Radioactive Material
    18. Use of Shower for External Decontamination - Illustration
    19. Decontamination Using Water from Fire Trucks
    20. Photos of Decontamination Facilities and Procedures
    21. Video: Decontamination & Dressdown at a Transportation Accident involving Radioactive Material
    22. Video: Pre-hospital Practices for Handling a Radiologically Contaminated Patient
    23. Radiation Detection and Survey Devices
    24. Video: Radiation Survey Instruments
    25. Video: Radiological Dosimetry
    26. How to Perform a Survey for Radiation Contamination
    27. PPE Image Gallery: Respiratory Protective Equipment - Civilian
    28. PPE Image Gallery: Respiratory Protective Equipment - Military
    29. PPE Image Gallery: Dermal Protective Equipment - Civilian
    30. PPE Image Gallery: Dermal Protective Equipment - Military
    31. Video: Decontamination & Dressdown at a Transportation Accident involving Radioactive Material
  5. Radiation Safety: Multimedia Library
    1. Types of Ionizing Radiation and Shielding Required - Illustration
    2. Factors that Decrease Radiation from Exposure - Illustration
    3. Radiation Shielding - Illustration
    4. Radiation Shielding - Animation
    5. Radiation Detection and Survey Devices
    6. Video: Radiation Survey Instruments
    7. Video: Radiological Dosimetry
    8. How to Perform a Survey for Radiation Contamination
    9. Becquerel - Animation
    10. Various Units of Dose - Animations
    11. Understanding the Basics About Radiation
    12. Video: Radiological Dosimetry
    13. Protective Actions and Protective Action Guides
    14. Key Public Messages after an Improvised Nuclear Device Detonation - Illustration
    15. Video: Saving Lives After a Nuclear Detonation
    16. Protective Actions and Protective Action Guides
    17. Radiation Control Zones and Perimeters Recommended by Various Agencies for Responding to Radiological Emergencies
    18. RDD: Diagram of Recommended Protective Action Zones after a Hypothetical RDD Explosion
    19. Definition of Radiation Area Boundaries for Responding to a Radiological Dispersal Device (RDD)
    20. Zones of Damage after Nuclear Explosion: Generalized
    21. Approximate Prompt and Delayed Fallout Effects from a 10 kT Detonation - Illustration
    22. Nuclear Power Plant Emergency Planning Zones
    23. Video: Meeting the Needs of First Responders
    24. Damage Zones after a Nuclear Detonation: Idealized Map
    25. Time Sequenced Size of Dangerous Fallout Zone and 0.01 R/Hour Boundary After a Hypothetical 10kT Nuclear Detonation at Ground Level
    26. Video: Demonstration of the Rapidly Shrinking Dangerous Fallout Zone after an IND Detonation
    27. IAEA Recommendation for Generic Areas to be Established by First Responders
    28. National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements (NCRP) Radiation Protection Perimeter Guidelines
    29. How Buildings Provide Shielding from a Nuclear Explosion
    30. Selecting a safe room after an IND detonation
    31. Key Public Messages after an Improvised Nuclear Device Detonation - Illustration
    32. Radiation Dose Comparisons - Illustration
    33. Video: Saving Lives After a Nuclear Detonation
    34. Understanding Shipping Labels and Placards for Radioactive Materials
    35. Video: Radioactive Material Shipping Packages
    36. Video: Emergency Response to Transportation Accident Involving Radioactive Material
    37. Video: Decontamination & Dressdown at a Transportation Accident involving Radioactive Material
    38. Video: Pre-hospital Practices for Handling a Radiologically Contaminated Patient
  6. Triage and Transport: Multimedia Library
    1. START Adult Triage Algorithm
    2. JumpSTART Pediatric Triage Algorithm
    3. SALT Mass Casualty Triage Algorithm, Adapted for a Very Large Radiation Emergency
    4. Hospital Approach to Patients Presenting after a Nuclear Detonation
    5. Triage Category and Myeloid Cytokine Use after a Nuclear Detonation
    6. Video Tutorial: Nuclear Detonation Scarce Resources Triage Tool
    7. Radiation Triage, Treat, and Transport System (RTR) after a Nuclear Detonation: Venues for the Medical Response
    8. Radiation Triage, Treat, and Transport System (RTR) after a Nuclear Detonation: Venues for the Medical Response
    9. Radiation Triage, Treat, and Transport System (RTR) after a Nuclear Detonation: Venues for the Medical Response
    10. Implementing the Scarce Resources Project Guidance: Video Teaching Tools
    11. Exposure and Symptom Triage (EAST) Tool
    12. Differences between Contamination and/or Exposure
    13. Radiation Exposure: Diagnose and Manage Acute Radiation Syndrome (ARS)
    14. Radiation Contamination: Diagnose and Manage
    15. Radiation Exposure + Contamination: Diagnose and Manage
    16. Video: Emergency Response to Transportation Accident Involving Radioactive Material
    17. Video: Decontamination & Dressdown at a Transportation Accident involving Radioactive Material
    18. Video: Pre-hospital Practices for Handling a Radiologically Contaminated Patient
  7. Video Library
    1. Video Tutorial: Exposure - Diagnose/Manage Acute Radiation Syndrome
    2. Video Tutorial: Dose Estimator for Exposure
    3. Video Tutorial: Manage 4 Subsyndromes of Acute Radiation Syndrome
    4. Video: Illustration of Fission
    5. Video: Biological Effects of Radiation
    6. Video: Four types of ionizing radiation
    7. Video Tutorial: Contamination - Diagnose/Manage
    8. Video Tutorial: Time/Dose Effects in ARS
    9. Video Tutorial: Time Phases of Acute Radiation Syndrome
    10. Video: Radiological Basics
    11. Video: Time, Distance, Shielding
    12. Video Tutorial: Mobile REMM App
    13. Video Tutorial: Contamination - Diagnose/Manage
    14. Video: Emergency Response to Transportation Accident Involving Radioactive Material
    15. Video: Pre-hospital Practices for Handling a Radiologically Contaminated Patient
    16. Video: Decontamination & Dressdown at a Transportation Accident involving Radioactive Material
    17. Video: Decontamination of Children
    18. Video: Radioactive Material Shipping Packages
    19. Video: Radiation Survey Instruments
    20. Video: Radiological Dosimetry
    21. Video: Nuclear Detonation Effects
    22. Video: Nuclear Detonation Fallout
    23. Video: Demonstration of the Rapidly Shrinking Dangerous Fallout Zone after an IND Detonation
    24. Video: Saving Lives After a Nuclear Detonation
    25. Video Tutorial: Nuclear Detonation Scarce Resources Triage Tool
    26. Implementing the Scarce Resources Project Guidance: Video Teaching Tools
    27. Exposure and Symptom Triage (EAST) Tool

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