INCITE Allocation Program

neutrino-driven roiling convection of the nuclear material

This visualization shows the neutrino-driven roiling convection of the nuclear material behind the newly reenergized supernova shock wave that surrounds the newly birthed neutron star, just hundreds of milliseconds after shock revival. Image: Joseph Insley, Argonne National Laboratory

The Innovative and Novel Computational Impact on Theory and Experiment (INCITE) program is the principal means by which the scientific community gains access to DOE's leadership-class supercomputers at the ALCF and OLCF.

Open to researchers from academia, government laboratories, and industry, the INCITE program aims to accelerate scientific discoveries and technological innovations by awarding, on a competitive basis, time on supercomputers to researchers with large-scale, computationally intensive projects that address “grand challenges” in science and engineering.

INCITE proposals are accepted between mid-April and the end of June. The program conducts a two-part review of all proposals: a peer review by an international panel of experts and a computational-readiness review.

The annual call for proposals is issued in April and the allocations are awarded for one to three years. For more details, visit the INCITE website.

Call Information

Available to researchers from universities, industry, and government agencies DOE sponsorship is not required.
Award size:
1-3 years (renewable)
Allocation cycle:
January 1 - December 31
Call for proposals:
mid-April through end of June
Quartery reports:
End of allocation reports: