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FDA Releases Nanotechnology Task Force Report
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Nanotechnology Research and Development Infrastructure

The National Nanotechnology Initiative has a robust research infrastructure with user facilities and multidisciplinary research and education centers across the United States.
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Responsible Development of Nanotechnology

As a goal of the NNI since inception, responsible development includes understanding potential environmental, health, and safety (EHS) implications of nanomaterials as well as the ethical, legal, and societal implications (ELSI) of nanotechnology.
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Nanotechnology Commercialization

NNI agencies are collaborating with industry to facilitate the commercialization of federally funded nanotechnology discoveries.
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Nanotechnology Signature Initiatives and Nanotechnology-Inspired Grand Challenges

The National Nanotechnology Initiative has focused efforts in areas of national importance to enhance coordination and collaboration among the participating agencies and to engage with the public: Nanotechnology Signature Initiatives and Nanotechnology-Enabled Grand Challenges.
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Nanotechnology Research and Development Infrastructure

Under the National Nanotechnology Initiative, several participating agencies have built or supported the development of user facilities and have established and developed multidisciplinary research and education centers across the United States.
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Responsible Development of Nanotechnology

With the advent of new technologies, including nanotechnology, one should consider both potential benefits and unintended risks to human health and the environment that might accompany development.
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