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Nanotechnology Entrepreneurship Network

Launched on National Entrepreneur’s Day with an inaugural podcast, the Nanotechnology Entrepreneurship Network (NEN) brings new and seasoned entrepreneurs together with the people and resources available to support them. This emerging network will create a forum for sharing best practices for advancing nanotechnology commercialization and the lessons learned along the technology development pathway. Activities are likely to include a monthly podcast series, webinars, workshops, and town hall discussions. 

NEN Webinar:

“Insights from the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO)” – Feb. 5, 2020 
Dr. Friedersdorf speaks with Elizabeth Dougherty, Eastern Regional Outreach Director for the USPTO, and Craig Morris, Managing Attorney for Trademark Educational Outreach for the USPTO, about types of intellectual property, intellectual property strategies, the patent process, and issues related to trademarks. 
(Presentation slides and transcript will be available at a later date at:
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