E N F O R C E M E N T   AND   C O M P L I A N C E



The Department of Commerce’s International Trade Administration (ITA) is offering fast-paced and intensive internship opportunities to qualifying graduate and undergraduate students. These programs expose students to a wide array of important trade issues that impact the U.S. economy, while letting them gain valuable skills which can be applied to a variety of careers.

About TANC

ITA’s Office of Trade Agreements Negotiations and Compliance (TANC) is responsible for the Department’s Trade Agreement Compliance Program. This Program helps ensure that foreign governments comply with their obligations under trade agreements to which the United States is party. TANC also provides policy and negotiations analysis and support for key trade agreements.

TANC is broadly split between two areas: Agreement Implementation and Operations. Agreement Implementation staff function as trade agreement experts on ITA investigation teams, providing in-depth knowledge and usage expertise, while supporting multilateral and bilateral trade policy work. The Operations team plans and develops the framework for cooperation among all ITA units, and conducts outreach to external Program stakeholders.


All applicants must be United States Citizens, and must be enrolled in a graduate or undergraduate course of study at an accredited university during their time interning. All applicants must have fluency in English, with strong spoken and written communications skills, as well as a strong understanding of Microsoft Office.

Ideal candidates are in fields of study such as: Trade, International Relations, Business Administration, International Business, Information Technology, Economics, Public Policy, or Political Science. However, applicants from all fields are considered.

Candidates should demonstrate through their coursework, activities, and experiences an understanding of and love for international trade.


The general responsibility of an intern is to support senior TANC staff in both Agreement Implementation and Operations. Potential duties include:

  • Responding to incoming requests from businesses
  • Maintaining ITA database infrastructure
  • Assisting in the creation of case strategies
  • Creating analytical reports through Excel
  • Developing communication and outreach materials
  • Conducting research on foreign trade barriers and import regulations

Training and Benefits

Interns for the Department of Commerce do not receive pay. However, Metro subsidies are available for transportation within the Washington D.C. metro area.

Department of Commerce interns have the opportunity to attend a variety of workshops provided by the Office of the Assistant Secretary, including formal classes on trade agreement implementation, writing, negotiations, and presentations. Additionally, interns will be eligible to attend pertinent Congressional hearings, trade seminars, meetings of the Washington International Trade Association (WITA), and other trade events.

How to Apply

Please send a cover letter and resume to In your cover letter, include your hours of availability, working term (fall, spring, summer), course of study (including whether you are a graduate or undergraduate), any trade related courses you have taken, and your goals for interning at the Department of Commerce.


Check out two of our office’s successes!

Download the full video (87 MB)

Download the full video (42 MB)

Read about one former intern’s experience!