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Air Resources Laboratory web site National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
READY - Real-time Applications and Display sYstem
READY (Real-time Environmental Applications and Display sYstem) has been developed to allow users to access and display meteorological data products and to run the HYSPLIT transport and dispersion model on the NOAA Air Resources Laboratory's (ARL) web server. READY brings together dispersion models, meteorological display programs and textual weather forecast programs generated over many years at ARL into a form that is easy to use by anyone. Its primary user group, however, is atmospheric scientists.

A research paper providing an overview of READY titled "Real-time Environmental Applications and Display sYstem: READY" is now available. Any research papers published using READY products should include a reference to this paper.

NOTE: this web server is not considered an "operational" system and it should not be relied upon for 24/7 access.

Use the links at left to navigate to READY products and for more information about READY, see our READY informational page.

Modified: December 4, 2019
US Dept. of Commerce |  NOAA |  NOAA Research |  ARL