In The News

Below are the latest news stories highlighting the NCCoE. The following links to external websites are curated for your convenience. Inclusion of these stories does not imply NCCoE endorsement or responsibility for the content found on these external websites.

In the news
December 10, 2020  |  Continuity Central

NIST's National Cybersecurity Center of Excellence (NCCoE) has released two new guides to assist organizations with ransomware protection. 

In the news
December 09, 2020  |  ExecutiveGov

The National Cybersecurity Center of Excellence (NCCoE) within the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has issued a draft internal report on an approach based on hardware-enabled security to help protect application containers in multi-tenant cloud environments.

In the news
December 09, 2020  |  Mirage News

NIST’s National Cybersecurity Center of Excellence (NCCoE)-in collaboration with members of the business community and vendors of cybersecurity solutions-has built example solutions to address the data integrity challenges posed by ransomware and other destructive events.

In the news
December 09, 2020  |  The National Law Review

New guidance is available for remote patient monitoring (RPM) companies on cybersecurity and privacy compliance. The National Cybersecurity Center of Excellence (NCCoE), part of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), has released Securing Telehealth Remote Patient Monitoring Ecosystem

In the news
December 08, 2020

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) released draft guidance targeted at cloud service providers (CSPs) to help them protect application containers in multi-tenant environments, taking a hardware-based approach to security.

In the news
December 08, 2020  |  Homeland Security Today

NIST’s National Cybersecurity Center of Excellence (NCCoE)—in collaboration with members of the business community and vendors of cybersecurity solutions—has built example solutions to address the data integrity challenges posed by ransomware and other destructive events.

In the news
November 10, 2020  |  Forbes

A popular sci-fi show from the 1990s, The X-Files, had a tag line that is very relevant in today's society: "Trust no one." In our working and personal lives, this is a valuable security stance to adopt when we are online. However, trust does play a role in establishing an individual's identity and granting access to applications and data so they can do their job.

In the news
October 28, 2020  |  TechTarget

CISOs need to ensure they and their security teams are aware of the new threats created by many businesses expanding their attack surface with many employees still working remotely.

In the news
October 26, 2020  |  FedTech

Federal agencies are rolling out more IoT and 5G wireless deployments. What are the best ways to protect such technologies?

In the news
October 23, 2020  |  GovConWire

The National Institute of Standards and Technology is looking for entities to participate in its program aimed at promoting the implementation of zero-trust architectures.