5G Cybersecurity

Current Status

This project is currently in the build phase. We have selected the technology collaborators, who have signed a Cooperative Research and Development Agreement (CRADA) with NIST.

If you are interested in helping shape this NCCoE 5G project, please consider joining the 5G Community of Interest by emailing 5g-security@nist.gov.


5G-based networks being deployed in our nation and across the world brings great promise of positive changes to the way humans and machines communicate, operate, and interact in the physical and virtual worlds. Such changes are possible because technology advancements and 5G networks support increased cybersecurity protections through the adoption of standards-based features and deployment of more modern information technologies.

The NCCoE initiated this project in collaboration with industry participants to show how the components of 5G architectures can securely mitigate cybersecurity risks and meet industry sectors’ compliance requirements. 5G standards have been designed to support use case–specific capabilities by way of network deployment options. The proposed proof-of-concept solution will integrate commercial and open-source products that leverage cybersecurity standards and recommended practices to showcase 5G’s robust security features. For further reference, see the Federal Register Notice or the project description.

This project will result in a National Institute of Standards and Technology Cybersecurity Practice Guide, a publicly available description of the practical steps needed to implement a cybersecurity reference design that addresses this challenge.

Collaborating Vendors

Organizations participating in this project submitted their capabilities in response to an open call in the Federal Register for all sources of relevant security capabilities from academia and industry (vendors and integrators). The following respondents with relevant capabilities or product components (identified as “Technology Partners/Collaborators” herein) signed a Cooperative Research and Development Agreement to collaborate with NIST in a consortium to build this example solution.

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