MSPB Video Interviews

These links are outside the MSPB domain.
MSPB: Agencies aren’t catching bad supervisors early enough
James Read, director policy and evaluation at the Merit Systems Protection Board, and Laura Shugrue, senior research analyst at MSPB, discuss the Board’s mission, and it’s recent findings on the probationary periods for supervisors in the federal government. (Government Matters)
Oversight of Government Management, the Federal Workforce, and the District of Columbia
A Review of the Office of Special Counsel and Merit Systems Protection Board - The Honorable Susan Tsui Grundmann, Chairman, Merit Systems Protection Board
Location: Room 342, Dirksen Senate Office Building
Testimony in PDF Format
Federal Managers Association 2011 Convention - Susan Grundmann
Videographer, Richard Concepcion
Channel 8 Federal News Tonight Interview with MSPB's Dr. John Crum on Protecting Federal Employees
John Crum, Director, Office of Policy and Evaluation