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Cybersecurity Risk Management for Election Officials

Cybersecurity Risk Management for Election Officials is provided by the U.S. Election Assistance Commission (EAC) to raise awareness of cyber threats and risks facing Election Agencies in the United States.

This webinar is intended for senior executives focused on potential risk to the Election Agency organization. It is meant to inform Election Officials’ cybersecurity strategy while also providing practical advice in alignment with the best practices to protect the Election Process (Business / Process Level) and the information systems and data supporting Elections (Implementation / Operations Level).

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Recorded Sep 2 2020 63 mins
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Mandiant Expert Panel
Presentation preview: Cybersecurity Risk Management for Election Officials
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  • FireEye Helix Explained - Helix Analytics Jan 14 2021 5:00 pm UTC 60 mins
    ​Sarah Cox, Sr. Instructional Designer, FireEye and Dustin Seibel, Mgr, Sr, Detection Research, FireEye
    FireEye Helix enables you to take control of any incident from alert to fix, saving valuable time, resources and effort. This unified security operations platform addresses traditional SIEM shortfalls while delivering highly efficient, low-maintenance security automation.

    Join us for the next session in a series of webinars, as our experts highlight:

    • How Helix analytics automate the detection of suspicious activity in your environment using techniques that rules alone cannot provide
    • The types of detectors employed by analytics to identify specific kinds of activity that are often associated with attackers
    • Analytics Advisories that help you identify additional data sources for analytics detections in your environment
    • Techniques for building context on analytics alert to enhance alert analysis and response
    • How to improve threat and vulnerability detection with advanced user behavioral analytics

    A hands-on Helix demonstration shows how you can build context on analytics alerts and leverage analytics for hunting. And you can stay on after the session for an in-depth Q&A with our experts.
  • Survey Says: A Modern SOC Requires XDR Recorded: Dec 2 2020 55 mins
    Dave Gruber, Senior Cybersecurity Industry Analyst at ESG and Mike Epplin, Solutions Architect at Respond Software
    XDR is a relatively new term in the security tools landscape. It stands for Extended Detection and Response – the approach that security operations centers should extend visibility and analysis to include threat intelligence, telemetries, vulnerabilities, and other relevant IT information. XDR is built to accelerate detection and response and reduce security engineering headaches that plague security operations teams.

    What are the challenges with current approaches to detection and response? Should you displace your current SIEM? What about the cloud?

    Let’s talk about it. Join Respond Software as we host a live chat with Dave Gruber, Senior Cybersecurity Industry Analyst, from ESG. Dave will discuss the key findings from the latest industry research on XDR in the ESG eBook, The Impact of XDR in the Modern SOC. Hosted by Mike Epplin, Solutions Architect, get the definitive roadmap for everything you need to modernize the SOC.

    We will explore why XDR is so important for security teams to address today’s advanced attacks, how organizations are approaching XDR implementations, and what core outcomes can be expected. If you are evaluating XDR, join us here on BrightTALK on December 2 at 11 am ET. You don’t want to miss it!

    Source: ESG eBook, The Impact of XDR in the Modern SOC – Taking Detection and Response to the Next Level, November 2020.
  • FireEye Chat | Front and Center on Security Predictions: A Year in Review Recorded: Dec 2 2020 26 mins
    Sandra Joyce, EVP, Mandiant Threat Intelligence and John Hultquist, Sr. Director, Mandiant Threat Intelligence
    Join our FireEye Chat expert-to-expert discussion for a look back on the predictions from last year’s Security Predictions report to see how we fared. We’ll also highlight other major cyber security occurrences of this year that has altered the course of direction for the industry as we move into 2021.
  • Threat Intelligence Briefing: Adversarial Motives, Intents and Capabilities Recorded: Nov 19 2020 45 mins
    Sandra Joyce EVP, Head of Global Intelligence Mandiant, moderated by James Hanson Vice President and Publisher Nextgov
    Cyber attacks continue to grow across government agencies, in both frequency and scope. It’s increasingly difficult for IT leaders to track threat actor behaviors, including those sponsored by nation states and financially motivated criminal operations.

    In this digital event, government media and industry leaders discuss what’s at stake for government agencies, from critical infrastructure and national resilience issues to risk management and civilian network defense. Tune in to explore the following topics and more:

    • How nation-state interests are driving advanced persistent threat (APT) activity
    • Insights into recently investigated APT groups
    • The latest tactics, techniques and procedures (TTPs) used by adversarial groups
    • The state of the ransomware landscape
  • [CISO Panel] Ciberseguridad en la nube: ya no es solo un problema de visibilidad Recorded: Nov 19 2020 52 mins
    Stephen Fallas, Zeus López González, Raúl Gómez Voguel, Gerald Segura Zúñiga
    La migración a entornos de múltiples nubes y el panorama de amenazas en evolución plantean nuevos riesgos para las organizaciones. A medida que los datos se encuentran en múltiples instancias de nube, los atacantes evolucionan para aprovechar la falta de visibilidad y de control, colocando las operaciones en riesgo de una brecha.

    Participa junto a nuestros expositores el jueves 19 de noviembre del 2020 a las 10:30 a.m. UTC / 8:30 a.m. PT donde analizaremos la complejidad, estrategias y habilidades necesarias para mantener de forma efectiva las operaciones en los entornos de nube. Abordando aspectos como:

    ¿Cómo puedo obtener una mayor visibilidad en todos los entornos de nube?; ¿Está mi equipo deteniendo eficazmente la fuga de datos y protegiendo la integridad de los datos?; ¿Mi equipo tiene evidencia para comunicar adecuadamente las métricas claves a nuestros ejecutivos?; ¿De qué lado del modelo de responsabilidad de nube compartida es responsable mi equipo?

    Inscríbase hoy >


    Zeus López González
    CISO Transformación Digital – Banco Azteca – Mexico

    Raúl Gómez Voguel
    CISO – Banco BHD León -  Republica Dominicana

    Gerald Segura Zúñiga
    Gerente Ciberseguridad – Davivienda Costa Rica

    Stephen Fallas
    Cybersecurity Architect Strategist, FireEye/Mandiant
  • Desvendando os Cinco Principais Mitos Sobre Segurança na Nuvem Recorded: Nov 19 2020 64 mins
    Arthur Cesar Oreana e Daniel Gomes
    De acordo com o Gartner, até 2022 espera-se que as organizações sejam responsáveis por pelo menos 95% de suas falhas de segurança na nuvem. Mas se você mudar a forma como pensa a segurança na nuvem, a sua história poderá ser outra!

    Junte-se a nós em um webinar ao vivo enquanto desvendamos vários mitos comuns que colocam em risco sua migração rápida e segura para a nuvem:

    • A nuvem não é segura
    • Minha organização não usa a nuvem
    • Meu provedor de nuvem vai me manter seguro
    • A nuvem é apenas o computador de outra pessoa
    • Atacantes avançados não estão mirando na nuvem

    Você também aprenderá como identificar um provedor confiável para que possa aproveitar com segurança os avanços que a nuvem oferece.
  • Measure, improve & optimize your cybersecurity with Mandiant Security Validation Recorded: Nov 18 2020 53 mins
    Lluis Coma, EMEA Consulting Sales Engineer, FireEye
    Mandiant Security Validation allows you to accurately assess a company's security posture. We help our clients take a proactive approach to identifying and mitigating risks due to incorrect configurations, inefficiencies in products, and / or established security processes.

    Register for the webinar and find out how Mandiant Security Validation enables you to:

    • Evaluate your security posture in order to prioritize investments;
    • Optimize the configuration of your technologies to maximize the return on investment;
    • Compare your security with market standards such as MITRE ATT&CK Framework and others;
    • Test the correct operation of your DLP-type tools;
    • Measure the security of your security processes in the CLOUD;
    • Validate the correct operation of your Endpoint tools;
    • Confirm network segmentation in IT / OT / SCADA environments.

    The results can be extremely interesting for managers of SOCs, CISOs and for the Board of Directors.
  • Validate Security Performance to Rationalize Investments Recorded: Nov 17 2020 51 mins
    General Earl Matthews, VP of Strategy for Mandiant Security Validation
    Security assumptions do not equal security effectiveness. With increasing pressure on boards of directors and CEOs to provide evidence that business assets are protected from the fallout of a potential breach, the need to justify security investments is now a key performance metric. Only through security validation and continual measurement of security effectiveness across technology, people and processes can you rationalize cyber security investments and prove value to the C-suite.

    In this session, led by General Earl Matthews, VP of Strategy for Mandiant Security Validation, you can learn:

    - Best practices for investment prioritization when it comes to hiring, training and security solution procurement
    - How security validation testing can identify areas of overlap in capabilities, inefficiencies in product expectations, and gaps in overall security posture, and help you optimize performance and value
    - Steps to take to strengthen your security posture and minimize cyber risk in order to protect your brand reputation and economic value
  • The Ultimate Pairing of Threat Intel and Validation Recorded: Nov 12 2020 30 mins
    Brian Contos, VP, Technology Innovation for Mandiant Security Validation & Sandra Joyce SVP, Global Intelligence for Mandiant
    Sandra Joyce, FireEye SVP & Head of Global Intelligence, returns to talk with Brian about recent infamous hacker groups’ exploitation of COVID-19, why having more security tools damages your chance of surviving a breach, and gives insight into findings from the Mandiant Validation Security Effectiveness Report.
  • Living Off The Land on a Private Island: An Overview of UNC1945 Recorded: Nov 12 2020 47 mins
    Mandiant Threat Experts
    Through Mandiant investigation of intrusions between February 2018 through September 2020, the FLARE Advanced Practices Team observed a group Mandiant tracks as “UNC1945” compromise and operate against a tailored set of targets within the financial and professional consulting industries by leveraging access to third-party networks.

    Please join Mandiant’s Justin Moore and Jacob Thompson, for a look at UNC1945, including the group’s:

    • Demonstrated access to exploits, tools, and malware for multiple operating systems
    • Exploitation of an Oracle Zero-day
    • Disciplined interest in covering or manipulating their activity
    • Advanced technical abilities during interactive operations

    Register Now!
  • To XDR or Not to XDR? Recorded: Nov 11 2020 37 mins
    Chris Triolo, Chief Customer Officer at Respond Software and Jackie Groark, VP, Security/CISO at Veristor
    The security operations center (SOC) will never keep up with information overload. CISOs are challenged to transform the paradigm so the investments in people payoff, while reducing attrition and making security work fun. Automation is only just part of the solution.

    Modern security operations need to abandon the current model bogged down by formalities in process and procedure to one that is incident-aware, and situation focused. As enterprises deploy solutions for endpoint detection and response (EDR), security teams are realizing that they also need tools and strategies that are more all-encompassing to include threat intelligence, cloud services, SOAR, and next-gen SIEM, among others. So, where is the SOC to go from here?

    Join Chris Triolo, Chief Customer Officer at Respond Software, as he welcomes Jackie Groark, VP of Security and CISO at Veristor. Triolo and Groark will explore the promise of Extended Detection and Response (XDR) and start a discussion on how to supercharge automation and effectiveness in the security operations center.
  • How Continuous Validation Helps Protect the Supply Chain Recorded: Nov 11 2020 58 mins
    Matt Shelton, Director, Technology Risk and Threat Intelligence, FireEye
    The Expanding Attack Surface: How Continuous Validation Helps Protect the Supply Chain

    Organizations are increasingly using third party providers to manage critical components of their infrastructure. The introduction of cloud services, managed service providers, and Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) has increased the size of an organization’s attack surface. A breach of proprietary and confidential information is just as impactful coming from the supply chain as it is from an organization’s infrastructure. Join Matt Shelton, Director, Technology Risk and Threat Intelligence, as he explains how intelligence-led validation can help tighten controls and reduce risk. In this webinar:

    -Hear about the realities of today’s threat landscape, sophisticated attackers and the implications on managing your security stack and processes
    -Learn how threat intelligence helps you take decisive action
    -Find out how continuous validation helps you understand the true measure of your security
    -Get insights into an actual use case where a company’s supply chain was breached to see how intelligence-led validation could have helped prevent it

    Register Now
  • A Global Reset: Cyber Security Predictions 2021 | Expert Roundtable Recorded: Nov 9 2020 45 mins
    FireEye Mandiant Expert Panel
    A Global Reset: Predictions for the Future of Cyber Security | Roundtable Discussion

    The year 2020 has been an unprecedented time of change and has shaped up in a way that nobody could have expected. This year’s activities continue to alter the future course of cyber security, making it even more important to ensure that we better prepare ourselves for what’s to come.

    On Monday, November 9th at 12 p.m./3 p.m. ET, join our expert panel as they share cyber trends and challenges in 2021. During the webinar, our experts will touch on various topics discussed in our upcoming report, A Global Reset: Predictions for the Future Cyber Security, including:
    • How remote work will evolve and affect organizations operationally
    • Insights into how threat actors will leverage the pandemic in their attacks
    • The growing need for intelligence-led security validation
    • The future state of cloud security
    • Nation-state activity and changing TTPs
    • How ransomware has pivoted from business risk to a national security risk

    Expert Panel:
    • Dave Baumgartner, CIO, FireEye (Moderator)
    • Maj. Gen. Earl Matthews, VP of Strategy, Mandiant Security Validation
    • Martin Holste, Cloud CTO, FireEye
    • John Hultquist, Sr. Director, Mandiant Threat Intelligence

    Please also check out our FireEye Cyber Summit 2020 for more interesting sessions: https://www.fireeye.com/company/events/cyber-summit-2020.html

    Register Now!
  • Cyber Summit 2020 | Spotlight on Financial Services Recorded: Nov 9 2020 91 mins
    Mandiant Solution Experts
    Session Agenda:

    - 10:30 a.m. PT - Intro to Financial Services Spotlight

    - 10:31 a.m. - 11:02 a.m. PT - Navigating Today's Cyber Challenges- David Wong, VP, Mandiant Consulting joined by expert panelist, Holly Ridgeway - EVP, Chief Security Officer, Citizens Bank and Tim Hillyard - AVP, Cyber Security Threat and Response, Voya Financial

    - 11:02 a.m. - 11:27 a.m. PT -Key Threats to Financial Services Today - John Miller, Director, Mandiant Threat Intelligence

    - 11:27 a.m. - 11:46 a.m. PT - Improve Your Cybersecurity to Protect Against FIN11 - Ursula Cowen, Threat Research Analyst, Mandiant Security Validation and Andy Moore, Sr. Technical Analyst, Mandiant Threat Intelligence

    - 11:46 a.m. - 12:01 p.m. PT - Spotlight on Financial Services: Live Q&A

    For the full Cyber Summit 2020 event program, please visit: https://www.fireeye.com/company/events/cyber-summit-2020.html
  • Cyber Summit 2020 | Cloud and Enterprise Security Recorded: Nov 9 2020 72 mins
    Martin Holste, Cloud CTO; Lisun Kung, Sr. Director; Phil Montgomery, SVP, FireEye; Steve Ledzian, CTO, APAC, FireEye
    Session Agenda:

    -9:15 a.m. - 9:40 a.m. - Take Control of Your Cloud Environments - Martin Holste, Cloud CTO, FireEye and Lisun Kung, Sr. Director, Cloudvisory, FireEye

    -9:40 a.m. - 10:01 a.m. - FireEye Products: A Complete Solution Working Together - Phil Montgomery, Sr. VP, Product Marketing, FireEye

    -10:01 a.m. - 10:24 a.m. - Detection and Response: Pioneered by FireEye - Steve Ledzian, CTO, APAC, FireEye

    To check out the full event program, please visit https://www.fireeye.com/company/events/cyber-summit-2020.html
  • Cyber Summit 2020 | From the Front Lines Recorded: Nov 9 2020 70 mins
    Sandra Joyce, EVP, Mandiant Threat Intel; Charles Carmakal SVP and CTO, Mandiant; Chris Key, EVP, Mandiant Solutions
    Session agenda:

    - 8:00 a.m. PT. - Welcome and intro

    - 8:02 a.m. -8:22 a.m. PT - New Ransomware Trends: A Threat Evolves - Sandra Joyce, EVP and Head of Mandiant Threat Intelligence

    - 8:22 a.m. - 8:49 a.m. PT - Preparing for Disruptive Intrusions: Mitigating the Risk of Data Theft, Ransomware, Public Shaming and Extortion - Charles Carmakal, Sr. VP and Mandiant Strategic Services CTO

    - 8:49 a.m. - 9:07 a.m. PT - Mandiant Advantage: Achieving Focused Business Outcomes through Threat Intelligence and Validation - Chris Key, EVP of Products, Mandiant Solutions

    For the full Cyber Summit 2020 event program, please visit: https://www.fireeye.com/company/events/cyber-summit-2020.html
  • Augment and Automate Threat Intelligence Into Your Environment Recorded: Nov 9 2020 18 mins
    Joshua Bass, Senior Manager Product Management, Mandiant Security Validation
    The need to improve how companies prove security effectiveness in today’s business climate is clear: attacks are on the rise, targets are expanding, adversaries are more motivated, and their tactics are increasingly insidious.

    Now, more than ever, organizations need access to emerging threat data as it happens. Security leaders need to be able to provide proof to their organization that these threats cannot and will not breach their defenses by being able to prioritize the threats that matter to them now and take action.

    This session will show how relevant and emerging threat data combined with controls validation technology provides insight into what is most important to test against and what to prioritize based on the knowledge of who and what might be targeting an organization or industry. Through this approach to security validation, security leaders can provide evidence to C-level leadership and give them confidence that controls are working as they should against threats and adversaries delivering expected value and maintaining the organization’s accepted level of risk.

    For the full Cyber Summit 2020 event program, please visit: https://www.fireeye.com/company/events/cyber-summit-2020.html
  • Improve Program Effectiveness through Security Transformation Recorded: Nov 9 2020 20 mins
    Nicholas Bennett, Managing Director, Mandiant Consulting; John M. DeLozier, Sr. Technical Director, Mandiant Consulting
    With the chance of an attacker affecting more organizations today—notably around ransomware progression and the shift to remote work—your security function is continually challenged to keep pace with incident prevention, detection and response.

    Transformation timelines often occur in two ways: proactive action to mitigate future threats, or reactive measures to remediate an existing incident—the latter can be detrimental. It’s imperative for security teams to develop and mature their security posture through capability improvement across four key areas: security architecture, cyber defense, governance and risk management.

    In this session, you'll learn how Mandiant helps organizations conduct transformational changes of critical security functions and staff readiness through hands-on support across these critical areas. We’ll also share a roadmap of our new transformation services on the horizon.

    For the full Cyber Summit 2020 event program, please visit: https://www.fireeye.com/company/events/cyber-summit-2020.html
  • Covering Your Bases With FireEye Network Security and Forensics Recorded: Nov 9 2020 16 mins
    Rob Ayoub, Sr. Product Marketing Manager, Cloud Detection and Forensics
    Today's security professionals have more network security challenges than ever before. With infrastructure located on-premise, as well as in private, hybrid and multi-cloud environments, managing and securing the network has become increasingly complex.

    In this session, we’ll discuss the opportunities and challenges our customers face across a growing variety of use cases, how customers can integrate FireEye detection directly into their custom application, and how they can leverage FireEye’s full portfolio of solutions to address infrastructure security wherever they need it.

    For the full Cyber Summit 2020 event program, please visit: https://www.fireeye.com/company/events/cyber-summit-2020.html
  • Halt Advanced Attackers: Endpoint Security with Protection Modules Recorded: Nov 9 2020 21 mins
    Vinoo Thomas, Sr. Product Line Manager, Endpoint Security, FireEye
    Advanced attackers fly under the radar of prevention or detection technologies, living off the land, leveraging features and tools found in the operating system. From an attacker’s perspective, using legitimate or existing tools and features makes the defender’s job inherently more difficult. Picking out the malicious use of built-in OS tools is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

    With FireEye Endpoint Security and our protection modules, these living off the land based attacks are made visible to FireEye and can be stopped. See how you can quickly implement Endpoint Security modules to disrupt attackers.

    For the full Cyber Summit 2020 event program, please visit: https://www.fireeye.com/company/events/cyber-summit-2020.html
The leading provider of next generation threat protection
FireEye is the world leader in combating advanced malware, zero-day and targeted attacks that bypass traditional defenses, such as firewalls, IPS and antivirus.

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  • Title: Cybersecurity Risk Management for Election Officials
  • Live at: Sep 2 2020 12:15 am
  • Presented by: Mandiant Expert Panel
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