
  1. PhotoWorkers with Triton Submarines, a bubble-sub company in Florida, conducted a surface stability test on a Triton 3300/3 submarine at a facility in Fort Pierce, Fla.
    CreditScott McIntyre for The New York Times

    Bubble Subs Arise, Opening Eyes to the Deep Sea

    Giant plastic spheres, with walls six inches thick or more, are making the depths of the ocean, and its strange denizens, more accessible.

  2. PhotoCrustose Ophioparma lichen. There are 13,500 species of lichen and they dominate 7 percent of the Earth’s surface.
    CreditMatthew P. Nelsen, Field Museum


    In the Race to Live on Land, Lichens Didn’t Beat Plants

    A study’s findings add to the case that lichens, which dominate about 7 percent of the planet’s surface, most likely made their way to land some 100 million years after ferns and other vascular plants.


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