
  1. PhotoTrump asked voters in Louisiana for a big win. He didn’t get it.
    CreditDoug Mills/The New York Times

    Jamelle Bouie

    Republicans Are Following Trump to Nowhere

    There’s an impeachment lesson hiding in the president’s failure to produce the political results he wants.

  2. PhotoIn recent speeches, Bill Barr has issued extended attacks on contemporary liberalism.
    CreditBrendan Smialowski/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images

    Ross Douthat

    Bill Barr, the Man From 1980

    His controversial speeches offer a message to conservative elites: Even under Trump, it will always be the Reagan era.

  1. PhotoCars stopped along a highway in Tehran on Saturday to protest increased gas prices.
    CreditWana News Agency, via Reuters

    The Ayatollah Comes for the Internet

    The almost complete shutdown imposed over the weekend sets a new oppressive benchmark.

  2. Paul Krugman

    PhotoA doctor examining a patient in Taylorsville, Ky.
    CreditLuke Sharrett for The New York Times

    Doing the Health Care Two-Step

    Medium-size reform creates the conditions for bigger things.


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  1. PhotoDemonstrations in Santiago, Chile, on Friday.
    CreditOrlando Barria/EPA, via Shutterstock

    Chile Is Ready for a New Constitution

    By opening the door to a new founding charter, Chileans are ready to build their own future — by dismantling the constitutional edifice that Augusto Pinochet left behind.

  2. Photo
    CreditIllustration by Nicholas Konrad; photograph by Getty Images

    This Is Not Dystopian Fiction. This Is China.

    Communist leaders engage in modern-day totalitarian brainwashing, bizarre lies and industrial-level indoctrination to suppress Muslims.

  3. Photo
    CreditIllustration by The New York Times; photograph by Getty Images

    Opportunity Zones — for Billionaires

    A federal tax break intended to draw investment to lower-income areas has become one more way for the rich to avoid paying taxes.

Op-Ed Columnists

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  1. PhotoMarie Yovanovitch, former ambassador to Ukraine, testified before the House Intelligence Committee on Friday.
    CreditDoug Mills/The New York Times

    Republicans, the Real Chickens of Kiev

    A bad day for the president, from Roger Stone’s criminal conviction to Marie Yovanovitch’s moral conviction.