Graduate Course Descriptions


LING 5020: Studies in Historical Linguistics
Introduction to the study of language as it changes over time.
LING 5040: Principles in Linguistics
General introduction to the core systems of the languages of the world, focusing on phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax and semantics.
LING 5050: Language in Professional Settings
Offers a hands-on approach to constructing the most prominent professional genres, including summaries, research papers, position papers, resumes, proposals and correspondence. Learn and apply the basic linguistic principles of these genres as well as recognize how the dominant genre theories in writing studies have informed the current practice, teaching and study of professional discourse.
LING 5060: Second Language Acquisition
Covers a broad range of issues concerning the acquisition of second languages. Topics include L1-L2 differences, child-adult L2 differences, the teachability of grammar and models of L2 acquisition.
LING 5070: Bibliography and Methods of Research in Linguistics/ ESL
Introduces new graduate students to the academic tools required for research in linguistics or ESL. Areas of focus include bibliographic reference and indexing sources, the structure of experimental writing, research design, corpus-based linguistic analysis and statistical analysis.
LING 5080: Teaching English as a Second Language
Current pedagogical theory affecting the teaching of English as a second language. Both theoretical and applied approaches are considered.
LING 5090: Pedagogical English Grammar
Thorough study of the basics of English grammar (morphology and syntax) analyzed from traditional, descriptive and theoretical points of view. Emphasis on pedagogical problems.
LING 5300: Phonology
Detailed study of phonology in terms of contemporary theories of linguistic analysis. Relates sound systems to phonetic universals and to other components of a complete grammar.
LING 5310: Syntax
Detailed study of the morpho-syntax and semantics of English and selected non-Indo-European languages in terms of contemporary linguistic theory.
LING 5320: Studies in Applied Linguistics
Application of the principles and findings of linguistic science to the solution of selected practical problems, particularly those related to pedagogy, such as linguistics and language teaching, ESL testing and research methodology.
LING 5330: Sociolinguistics
Study of the relationship of language and society as shown in the following areas: the ethnography of speaking (analysis of discourse), language variation and social class, pidgin and Creole languages, diglossia and multilingualism, ethnic varieties, language and sex, language policy and planning.
LING 5340: Practicum in Teaching English as a Second Language
Practical experience in the design and implementation of ESL instruction, including actual practice in the teaching of English to speakers of other languages.
LING 5350: Language Typology and Universals
Data-oriented comparison and classification of the languages of the world according to their morphological and syntactic characteristics (role relations, word order, causatives, relative clauses, comparison, etc.) Emphasis is on working through real data from many languages.
LING 5360: Studies in Descriptive Linguistics
Intensive study of a selected topic on linguistic structure, such as psycholinguistics, sociolinguistics or typology.
LING 5370: ESL Writing Pedagogy
Linguistic and psycholinguistic analysis of the process and product of ESL/EFL writing, including discourse analysis, the process of reading, the cognitive processes of writing and sociolinguistic variables.
LING 5380: Linguistic Field Methods
Experience in the discovery of the phonology, morphology and syntax of a language through techniques of elicitation and analysis of data.
LING 5390: Psycholinguistics
Deals with a variety of formal cognitive mechanisms that are relevant to the knowledge and use of natural languages. Primary emphasis is on the modular view of the mind and its consequences for both L1 and L2 language acquisition.
LING 5530: Semantics and Pragmatics
Examines how meaning emerges at the word, sentence, constructional and utterance level and how it is acquired by children and second-language learners.
LING 5540: Endangered Languages
Examines the factors that contribute to the process of language death through in-depth study of a specific language to illustrate mechanisms of language loss, methods of language documentation, and requirements for language stabilization and revitalization.
LING 5550: Corpus Linguistics
Introduces computerized research methods, which are applied to large databases of language used in natural communicative settings to supplement more traditional ways of linguistic analysis in all linguistic sub-disciplines.
LING 5560: Discourse Analysis
Investigates the structure of spoken communication from a linguistic perspective using phonological, morphological, and syntactic tools to understand narrative and conversation. Students study the principles of pragmatic theory, speech act theory and critical discourse analysis.
LING 5570: World Englishes
Examines the political and social factors that have contributed to the spread of English around the world and the politics surrounding the maintenance of English as a “world language.” Investigates variation in spoken and written English in regions such as: South Asia, Singapore, Australia, New Zealand, East and West Africa, Canada, Scotland and Ireland.
LING 5580: Language and Gender
Researches male and female speech in terms of pronunciation, grammar, conversational strategies (e.g., interruptions, overlaps, topical cohesion, politeness and silence). Investigates how speakers appropriate gender identities when they select features typically associated with male and female styles of speech.
LING 5590: Linguistics and Literature
Study of theories and methods of interpretation in terms of contemporary linguistics. Provides practical training in the application of linguistic methods to literary analysis.
LING 5900: Special Problems
LING 5910: Special Problems
LING 5920: Research Problems in Lieu of Thesis (Original Scholarly Papers)
Requires the composition of an original scholarly paper in the field of linguistics and/or English as a second language.
LING 5930: Research Problems in Lieu of Thesis (Original Scholarly Papers)
Requires the composition of an original scholarly paper in the field of linguistics and/or English as a second language.
LING 5950: Master’s Thesis
To be scheduled only with consent of department. 6 hours credit required. No credit assigned until thesis has been completed and filed with the graduate dean. Continuous enrollment required once work on thesis has begun.