Interdisiplinary MS with a concentration in Computational Linguistics

The INSD MS degree is a 30-hour program.

Preparatory course: (1 course = 3 hours)

LING 5040 - Principles of Linguistics or LING 5045 Introduction to Linguistics for NLP
(All students must have completed LING 5040/5045 or an equivalent before taking classes – students with undergraduate major or minor in Linguistics do not need to take LING 5040/5045)


Primary courses: (6 courses = 18 hours)

LING 5070 - Research Design in Linguistics
LING 5410 - Computational Linguistics 1: Mathematical and Computational Foundations for CL
LING 5415 - Computational Linguistics 2: Advanced Topics and Experimental Design for CL
LING 5990 - Professional Development (Capstone)

Two additional Linguistics courses, to be selected from:

Selection must be approved by advisor
LING 5300 - Phonology
LING 5305 - Morphology
LING 5310 - Syntax
LING 5350 - Typology
LING 5530 - Semantics and Pragmatics
LING 5550 - Corpus Linguistics

Secondary courses - Computer Science: (2 courses = 6 hours)

CSCE 5290 - Natural Language Processing (NLP) – Required for most students!
Additional course to be selected from among the following in consultation with faculty advisors.
CSCE 5200 - Information Retrieval and Web Search
CSCE 5210 - Artificial Intelligence
CSCE 5215 - Machine Learning
CSCE 5216 - Pattern Recognition
CSCE 5300 - Introduction to Big Data & Data Science
CSCE 5380 - Data Mining
CSCE 6290 - Advanced Topics in Human/Machine Intelligence


Tertiary discipline: (2 courses = 6 hours)

Students will select a two-course sequence to focus on an intended career path. Some possible example sequences appear below. This sequence must be approved by advisor.
INFO 5841 - Digital Curation Fundamentals
INFO 5842 - Digital Curation Tools and Applications
LT 5210 - Instructional Systems Design 1
LT 5310 - Human Computer Interaction
INFO 5731 - Computational Methods for Information Systems
INFO 5737 - Information And Cyber-Security