Fact Sheets

Download and print fast information on marine debris, the "garbage patch," the Marine Debris Program, and other hot topics.

Fact Sheet

Marine debris research fact sheet cover.

Marine Debris Research Fact Sheet

About the NOAA Marine Debris Program one-pager.

NOAA Marine Debris Program Fact Sheet

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PDF icon MDPFactSheet.pdf (1.97 MB)
Cover of "Are you ready for storm season?" one-pager.

Are You Ready for Storm Season?

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Marine Debris Fact Sheet.

Marine Debris Fact Sheet

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Garbage Patches Fact Sheet.

Garbage Patches Fact Sheet

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About Abandoned and Derelict Vessels fact sheet.

Abandoned and Derelict Vessels Fact Sheet

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About the Marine Debris Monitoring and Assessment Project one-pager cover.

Marine Debris Monitoring and Assessment Project Fact Sheet

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Plastic Marine Debris Facts

What We Know About: Plastic Marine Debris

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Fishing for Energy fact sheet image.

Fishing for Energy

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