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Exploring the Ocean Through Data Download One-Pager

Data may not be the first thing people think of when imagining the exciting world of ocean exploration, but data are actually what exploring is all about. Every sonar scan, video, and sample is a piece of the picture of our ocean that NOAA's office of Ocean Exploration and Research (OER) is helping to develop. These data, when carefully stewarded, are also the tangible and enduring assets that illustrate the return on investment in ocean exploration.

OER works collaboratively with NOAA's National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) in a cutting edge effort to perform end-to-end data management for OER-sponsored missions, partnerships and projects, including expeditions aboard the Okeanos Explorer. These combined data management efforts deliver rapid and easy data access, facilitate efficient and effective long-term data preservation, and inspire further exploration and research.

Innovating Data Management and Access

The volume, diversity and uniqueness of scientific data and information collected during ocean exploration activities are extensive, and present a data management challenge. OER's Data Management Team, led by NCEI, implements and shares innovative methods and tools developed to ensure OER's multidisciplinary data collections are easily accessible, readily reusable, and available in perpetuity. The OER Data Management Team has created customized data access tools including:

Point of Contact


  • Okeanos Explorer Atlas
  • OER Digital Atlas
  • OER Video Portal
  • Benthic Animal Guide
  • Exploration results disseminated to the public via Digital Atlas

Learn more about this interdisciplinary data management partnership.

Securing Future Success

As new data collection technologies emerge and data sets grow ever larger, the OER Data Management Team will continue to refine, adapt, and innovate new data management capabilities, ensuring prompt and enduring access to OER information.