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Walter E. Williams
Walter E. Williams: Let’s help some of our media friends

Walter E. Williams: Let’s help some of our media friends

I am not nearly so coldhearted and unsympathetic toward the mainstream media as some of my conservative friends, such as Rush Limbaugh, Mark Levin, Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson, Chris Plante and Ann Coulter. In fact, my heart goes out to them.

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Denton Record-Chronicle Readers
Letters to the editor, November 1

Letters to the editor, November 1

For example, VX nerve agent recently was in the news, used to kill the stepbrother of North Korea's leader, and for a long time there have emerged new, creative ways to synthesize methamphetamine.

Profile image for Gary Abernathy


Gary Abernathy
Gary Abernathy: Will media's anti-Trump fever break?

Gary Abernathy: Will media's anti-Trump fever break?

It struck me after a number of casual conversations with local Republicans over the past few weeks that they seldom mentioned the Democrats when discussing President Donald Trump's adversaries. They almost never brought up Charles Schumer, Nancy Pelosi or any other party official.

Letters to the editor, October 30

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Denton Record-Chronicle Readers

A recent letter to the editor of the Denton-Record Chronicle on Oct. 21 titled "Variety of Issues" has a strong point: Confederate sympathizers should decide on the appropriate display of what the South considers monuments to fallen Confederate ancestors.

More in Letters

Hugs and Shrugs: Audacity's closing, prepared meals and Caroline Booth

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Denton Record-Chronicle Editorial

We are sad about the announcement Audacity Brew House will be closing in November. We hoped Audacity, the first beer brewery to open in Denton, would be successful, and its success would spawn imitators, thereby creating a new and thriving industry. After all, what could be more popular than beer in a college town?

Help in battle against breast cancer

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Denton Record-Chronicle Editorial

The month of October ends at midnight tonight. We thought it a good time to remind our readers that the end of October also signals the end of Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

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Cornyn betrays party with embrace of Moore

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Dallas Morning News Editorial

Sen. John Cornyn's endorsement this week of Roy Moore for the U.S. Senate from Alabama is a new low not just for the former jurist and ex-Texas attorney general, but for the party he claims to love.