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2017 Denton Record-Chronicle Media Kit

Print Ads


(940) 566-6858, or fax to (940) 566-6846 (an ad rep will call you to confirm placement.)

Display Classified:

(940) 566-6823, or fax to (940) 566-6818 (an ad rep will call you to confirm placement)

Classified In-column:

(940) 387-7755 or 1-800-275-1722, e-mail ads to or fax to (940) 566-6818 (an ad rep will call you to confirm placement)

Credit Application

Click here for a credit application

Online Ads

  • Retail Ads, (940) 566-6858
  • Class Display Ads, (940) 566-6823
Minimum requirements
In-Column 4 lines
Display 1 inch
Classified In-Column Open Rates
1 Day $2.50 per line, per day
4 Day $.85 per line, per day
7 Day $.80 per line, per day
10 Day $.65 per line, per day
30 Day $.53 per line, per day

Classified Display Open Rates

1 Day (includes Wednesday only)

$35.00 per inch, per day

2 Day $17.50.00 per inch, per day
3 Day $11.25 per inch, per day
4 Day $8.50 per inch, per day
Classified Ad Deadlines
Publication Date:


Classified Display

Monday 4:30 p.m. Friday 12:00 p.m. Friday
Tuesday 4:30 p.m. Monday 2:00 p.m. Friday
Wednesday 4:30 p.m. Tuesday 12:00 p.m. Monday
Thursday 4:30 p.m. Wednesday 12:00 p.m. Tuesday
Friday 4:30 p.m. Thursday 12:00 p.m. Wednesday
Saturday 10:00 a.m. Friday 10:00 a.m. Thursday
Sunday 4:30 p.m. Friday 12:00 p.m. Thursday

Legal Notice Deadline:

Two working days prior



Retail Open Rates
Daily $36.50 per column inch, per day


Wednesday Plus

$40.00 per column inch, per day

$43.00 per column inch, per day

Retail Annual Agreements
12 months signed agreement required
(Circulation 13,900)
Wednesday Plus
(Circulation 28,000)
250-500 $16.50 $20.50 $18.75
501-999 $11.60 $14.75 $13.35
1000-1999 $9.85 $12.65 $11.25
2000-3999 $9.05 $11.50 $10.20
4000-5999 $8.40 $10.75 $9.50
6000+ $7.60 $9.75 $8.50
Retail Ad Deadlines

Denton Publication Date:

Retail Display


2:00 p.m. Friday
Tuesday 4:00 p.m. Friday
Wednesday 4:00 p.m. Monday
Thursday 4:00 p.m. Tuesday
Friday 4:00 p.m. Wednesday
Saturday 2:00 p.m. Thursday
Sunday 4:00 p.m. Thursday

National & Group Buys

National Classified Rates Published open rates apply. Billed Net.
National Color Rates 1 color  + Black $125.00
2 colors + Black $150.00
3 colors + Black $220.00
National Rates
Daily $36.50 per column inch
Sunday $40.00 per column inch
Wednesday Plus $43.00 per column inch
Noncommissionable/billed net

Denton Business Chronicle
Advertising Rates and Information

Open Rates $20.00 per column inch
4x year $15.00 per column inch

8x year

$11.25 per column inch

12x year $8.50 per column inch

Spotlight Rates

Open Rate $500
4x year $350
8x year $275
12x year $225
Special Opportunities
12x year (1/2 page) 2 Free Spotlights
12x year (full page) 4 Free Spotlights
Color Rates
Spot Color $4.50/inch up to $125.00
Two or more colors $150.00

Advertising Deadlines

Space reservation first Friday of each month