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Managing the Land

National Forests and Grasslands

We manage public lands for multiple uses, including for:

  • Restoration
  • Water
  • Recreation

Learn more about grasslands

Private land

Your land is important to you, and we have information that can help you:

  • Prepare for wildfires
  • Make your land work for you
  • Develop your own forest plan

Learn more about lands

Urban forests

The benefits your city derive from healthy trees is measureable. 

  • Find your state urban and community forestry coordinators.
  • Use iTree to see what your trees are worth.
  • Get involved in urban natural resources stewardship.

Learn more about getting involved


Millions of acres of public lands are unaffected by growth so you can use and enjoy them as wilderness.

  • What makes a wilderness area?
  • Does designation always equal protection?
  • Where are the wilderness areas?

Learn more about wilderness areas

Natural Resources

Ensuring a viable ecosystem means ensuring our natural resources have a good, healthy basis:

  • Water is the most important commodity on agency lands
  • Air, like water, is inseparable from the health of natural resources.
  • Soil serves many purposes in the health of natural resources.

Learn more about natural resources


Managing wildfires on public lands is both a proactive and reactive challenge.

  • Fire is managed in several ways, including deliberately burning dead trees.
  • Forests benefit from selective burning.
  • Education is the most important tool for wildfire prevention.

Learn more about wildfires


  • Many of America’s beloved backyard birds are migratory –spending time in countries where habitats are threatened.  We work to conserve their habitats both here and abroad.
  • By combating illegal logging overseas, we help to level the playing field in international trade and benefit the U.S. forest products industry.
  • Each year, invasive forest pests inflict more than $2 billion in damages to U.S. forest resources. International cooperation is the most effective way to control existing pests and prevent further introductions.

Learn more about our international work

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