Member Plants

With annual capacity growing every year, biodiesel plants are an important part of our energy future. As biodiesel use and demand has grown, so too has the number of plants and the diversity of their locations. 

This section contains information on National Biodiesel Board (NBB) Member Plants.

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View our interactive nationwide map of biodiesel plants that are members of the National Biodiesel Board


View, print and export a list of all Plants nationwide or by state that are members of the National Biodiesel Board 

Supporting Documents/Links

The biodiesel companies listed within this section are all members of the National Biodiesel Board and have indicated they are operational.
However, the capacity utilization among facilities may vary greatly.

Total annual production capacity of the plants that NBB has figures for is approximately 2.241 billion gallons.
It is important to note that production capacity differs from the actual number of gallons sold.