Aviation Environmental Design Tool (AEDT) Version 2b

Note that the information on this page is for AEDT 2b. Please visit the AEDT Version 2c page for information on the latest version of AEDT.

Effective May 29, 2015, AEDT 2b replaces AEDT 2a, INM, and EDMS as the required tool for noise, fuel burn, and emissions modeling of FAA actions. Consistent with current FAA policy and practice, the use of AEDT 2b is not required for projects whose analysis began before the effective date of this policy. In the event AEDT 2b is updated after the environmental analysis process is underway, the updated version may, but need not, be used to provide additional disclosure concerning noise, fuel burn, and emissions.

  • AEDT 2b Feature Pack 1 (FP1) was released on July 29, 2015 and includes updated versions of the EPA tools used within AEDT 2b for processing emissions dispersion metric results. The specific EPA tools addressed by this update are AERMOD and AERMET, both of which have been migrated from version 12345 to 14134.
  • AEDT 2b Service Pack 2 (SP2) was released on December 22, 2015 and includes several bugs fixes and updates since 2b's release in May 2015.
  • AEDT 2b SP3 was released on June 13, 2016 and includes new features, updates, and bug fixes.
AEDT Version 2b Functionality

AEDT 2b implements the key functionalities from INM, EDMS and AEDT 2a applications and adds brand new capabilities. A high level summary of those functionalities is:

  • All noise, emissions, and emissions dispersion metrics from INM, EDMS, and AEDT 2a
  • Building and editing of flight tracks in the user interface
  • Emissions dispersion from curved flight tracks
  • Emissions from airplane and helicopter startup and taxi phases of flight
  • Airplane taxi delay and sequence modeling
  • Noise from helicopter taxi
  • Emissions from auxiliary power units, ground support equipment, and a wide variety of other non-aircraft emissions sources
  • Modeling of multiple airports in a single study
  • Creation of custom altitude controls for airplanes

AEDT 2b does not include on-road mobile ground emissions sources like roadways and parking lots because EPA replaced MOBILE (the on-road mobile ground emissions model included with EDMS) with the Motor Vehicle Emissions Simulator (MOVES) in 2013. Emissions for on-road mobile sources and construction equipment, a non-road emissions source, will be estimated through MOVES. AEDT, however, provides functionality to the user to import the emissions of these sources and model them for their air quality impacts. The FAA provided guidance for using AEDT together with MOVES for studies that include on-road mobile ground and construction emissions (see Using MOVES with AEDT 2b).

System Requirements and Specifications

The recommended specifications are listed with suggested minimums where applicable. AEDT 2b is a stand-alone Windows based application. However, through the use of Microsoft SQL Server connectivity, it is possible to connect multiple computational clients to one central database server. AEDT 2b requires administrative privileges for installation and execution.

  AEDT 2b System Requirements
Minimum Preferred
Operating System Microsoft Windows 7 x64-based Systems Microsoft Windows 7 x64-based Systems
Processor Modern dual core processor with 2 GHz or higher clock Modern many core (>2) processors with 2 GHz or higher clock
RAM 4 GB Memory 64 GB Memory
Hard-disk Space 500 GB Storage 2 TB Storage RAID
SQL Requirements Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 (x64) or
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Express (x64)
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 (x64)
Software Requirements Adobe Reader X (v10) or higher Adobe Reader X (v10) or higher

Use Microsoft Update to ensure your computer has the latest priority updates. Visit www.update.microsoft.com.

AEDT 2b Documentation
For Further Information

If you have any questions regarding the features of AEDT, please contact us at aedt-support@dot.gov.