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Health, Safety, & Quality Assurance

Nuclear Safety and Worker Safety and Health training

Nuclear Safety and Worker Safety and Health training

PPPO’s Safety and Health, Nuclear Safety, and Quality Assurance programs collectively ensure protection of public and worker health and safety and the environment. This is accomplished by empowering and holding accountable managers, employees and contractors to prioritize health, safety and environmental considerations as integral to all projects, programs and work activities.

Safety and Health

PPPO’s Safety and Health (S&H) program integrates safety and health requirements and controls into all work activities. S&H oversees implementation of Integrated Safety Management (ISM) within contractor activities to ensure protection of workers, the public, and the environment. PPPO promotes a working environment where each worker feels responsible for safety and health. Decision-making reflects safety as an overriding priority for all PPPO and contractor activities and organizational learning is embraced.  More >

Nuclear Safety

The Nuclear Safety Program  mission is to support the design, construction, operation, deactivation, and decommissioning of the Paducah and Portsmouth nuclear facilities in a manner that ensures adequate protection of workers, the public, and the environment.  More >

Quality Assurance

PPPO’s Quality Assurance (QA) program effectively and efficiently implements DOE Environmental Management (EM) QA and oversight policies/requirements across the PPPO organization and among its contractors. The EM QA program describes the methods by which QA is implemented into the Integrated Safety Management System (ISMS), Contractor Assurance System (CAS), and the overall work processes conducted on EM’s projects. PPPO uses approved QA procedures, plans, and work instructions to ensure quality with specific guidance and effective evaluation and oversight of contractors.  More >