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DOE O 458.1 Admin Chg 3, Radiation Protection of the Public and the Environment

Functional areas: Administrative Change, Environmental Protection

The order establishes requirements to protect the public and the environment against undue risk from radiation associated with radiological activities conducted under the control of DOE pursuant to the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended (AEA). Cancels DOE O 5400.5 in its entirety. Chg 1, dated 3-8-11; Chg 2, dated 6-6-2011; Admin Chg 3, dated 1-15-2013, supersedes DOE O 458.1 Chg 2.

o458.1AdminChg3.pdf -- PDF Document, 706 KB

Writer: Edward Regnier
  • Environment
  • Management and Operations
ID: DOE O 458.1 Admin Chg 3
Type: Order
OPI: HS - Office of Health, Safety and Security
Status: Current
Approved Date: Feb 11, 2011
Last Update: Jan 15, 2013
CRD: Yes
Radiation Protection of the Public and the Environment
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Bonneville Power Administration

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