Twin Cities Ecological Services Field Office

Midwest Region


Twin Cities Field Office

4101 American Boulevard East
Bloomington, MN 55425
Phone: 952-252-0092
Fax: 952-646-2873
TTY: 1-800-877-8339 (Federal Relay)




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Twin Cities Ecological Services Field Office Fact Sheet


Photo of a Karner blue butterfly by USFWS: Phil Delphey.


Quick Facts

Minnesota is home to 12 federally threatened and endangered species including the Canada lynx, piping plover, Topeka shiner, winged mapleleaf (mussel), Karner blue butterfly and Minnesota dwarf trout lily. Go here for more information about these and other rare and declining Minnesota species.



The Twin Cities Field Office partnered with The Upper Mississippi River Basin Association and multiple state and federal agencies to develop spill response strategies that protect endangered mussels and other sensitive ecological resources of the St. Croix River. Emergency responders will use these strategies to plan for, and respond to, spills of oil or hazardous substances to prevent impacts to Minnesota’s water resources.

Our History

For over 60 years Ecological Services has protected and restored fish, wildlife, plants and their habitats. Our roots trace back to the River Basins Program that reviewed Federal water development projects. Since 1945, Ecological Services’ responsibilities have

expanded to include reviews of most Federal construction projects, endangered species, environmental contaminants, and a variety of conservation partnerships and grants.


Conservation Planning Assistance

Through early and thoughtful planning we work to conserve fish, wildlife, and their habitats by providing technical assistance on construction activities such as Corps of Engineers’ projects and permits, energy development (hydro and wind power), transportation and urban development.


Environmental Contaminants

The Environmental Contaminants program is the only program in the Federal Government solely responsible for evaluating the impact of environmental contaminants on fish and wildlife. We work to prevent, reduce and eliminate the adverse effects of environmental contaminants.


Threatened and Endangered Species

Our responsibilities under the Endangered Species Act include conserving declining species before listing is necessary, adding species to the list of threatened and endangered species, working to recover listed species, and cooperating with other Federal agencies to conserve endangered species.



We administer a number of Endangered Species Act grants to provide funding to States, Tribes, organizations, and individuals for listed species conservation activities.



We work to restore habitat on private lands through the Partners for Fish and Wildlife Program. We work with others to restore Great Lakes coastal habitats through our Coastal Program.


Contacting the Field Office

Supervisor: Peter Fasbender
4101 East 80th Street
Bloomington, MN 55425

Phone: 952-252-0092
Fax: 952-646-2873
TTY: 1-800-877-8339 (Federal Relay)




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Last updated: December 15, 2016