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* ELMI Wages & Income *
Covered Wages by Industry
Average annual and total wages by NAICS industries and areas for wage earners covered by unemployment insurance from the Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (QCEW), also known as ES-202.

Hourly Earnings by Industry
Annual average earnings data for 2014 from Current Employment Statistics (CES).

Earnings by Gender

Wage Rates by Occupation
Find wage rates for a selected occupation at Occupational Information Center or download wage data for all occupations at Occupations.

Wage Distribution
The Vermont Wage Distribution table provides wage rates across all occupations in the Occupational Employment Survey.

Fringe Benefits
The 2013 Fringe Benefit Study presents a point-in-time snapshot of benefits currently offered by private employers in Vermont. Employers were asked whether they offered medical, disability or life insurance, a pension plan, paid vacation, and other specific benefits to workers and the costs of these benefits.

Per Capita Income
(source: U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis -

U.S. Census

  • State and County QuickFacts
    Quick, easy access to facts about people, business and geography in Vermont.
    "Browse data sets for Vermont" in the upper right of Quickfacts contains more tables.
  • Income
    A collection of income reports, both annual and decennial, for states as well as the nation.

Equal Pay and other Workplace Laws

    These flyers are part of a public information campaign to educate both employers and workers in Vermont about their rights and responsibilities under the new equal pay law, which came into effect January 2014. Vermont workers now have the right to request flexible working arrangements without fear of retaliation. Those intermediate or long-term changes might include working from home, changes in the number of days or hours worked, changes in work arrival or departure times or job-sharing. Employers must discuss and consider such requests at least twice per calendar year. Other information incorporated includes current equal pay laws, how to handle suspected pay discrimination, wage disclosure laws, pregnant worker’s rights, lactation accommodations, anti-retaliation protection, and information concerning family and medical leave. Employers and employees: Use the Business and Professional Women Foundation's Equal Pay Audit to protect your workplace against pay equity violations.


  • Poverty Reports
    Numerous reports on poverty from Census, including state data.
  • Poverty Guidelines
    Guidelines are issued by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) for administrative purposes. Includes an explaination of Thresholds and Guidelines.

Livable Wage

  • Basic Needs Budgets Reports
    The Vermont Joint Fiscal Office annually prepares a Basic Needs Budgets and Minimum Wage Report. Each Report contains "Liviable Wages" for six possible family configurations in urban or rural areas with moderate or low cost food plan options. Reports are available at Joint Fiscal Office Reports under Subject - "Basic Needs Budgets".
  • Vermont Livable Wage Campaign
    The VLWC is an activity of the Peace & Justice Center engaged in research, advocacy, educational programs, and grassroots organizing in it’s dedication to ensuring that every Vermonter receives a livable wage or income.
* Minimum Wage *
Minimum Wage Increases to $10.00 for 2017.
Vermont's minimum wage rate will increase to $10.00 per hour from the current rate of $9.60 per hour, effective on January 1, 2017.
View the
  • Minimum Wage Poster
  • Minimum Wage Determination
  • Nov-18-2016
    * Prevailing Wage *
    State Construction Prevailing Wage
      Wage Rates
        Prevailing Wage rates required under the Capital Construction Act for state construction projects have been updated and are effective from July 1, 2016 to June 30, 2017.
        Note: Prevailing Wage Areas have been updated based on 2010 Census with some towns changing areas.
      Fringe Benefit Requrement
        H.492 (Act 26) amends prevailing wage requirements to include an additional fringe benefit of 42.5% of the wage rate.
          starting July 1, 2016
            For State construction projects exceeding $100,000.00, authorized or funded from a capital construction act.
          starting July 1, 2017
            Projects covered expanded to construction projects exceeding $200,000.00, authorized and funded at least 50 percent from a capital construction act.
        For more information, go to Fringe Benefit Requirement.
    The Davis-Bacon and Related Acts require prevailing wage rates be paid on federal construction projects. The US Labor Dept., Wage & Hour Division make wage determinations to set rates.
    For Federal prevailing wage rates, contact
    U.S. Dept. of Labor
    Wage & Hour Division
    toll free 1-866-4uswage
    Employers seeking to hire foreign workers to perform non-agricultural services or labor need to contact the Office of Foreign Labor Certification for information and instructions.
    Employers seeking to bring nonimmigrant foreign workers to the U.S. to perform agricultural labor or services of a temporary or seasonal nature should email David Lahr at or call (802) 828-5277 for information and instructions.
 State of Vermont Department of Labor