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Our Federal Partners

Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS)

The National Plant Data Team sponsors the PLANTS database. Its staff serve as stewards for much of the data found in PLANTS and related applications. The Information Technology Center leads development for NRCS plant-related computer applications. The ITC coordinates work on plant-related software at the USDA, National Information Technology Center, USDA Office of Enterprise Applications Services. Other NRCS partners include the Ecological Sciences Division and the NRCS National Technical Support Centers.

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

EPA is a primary partner in the development of the Integrated Taxonomic Information System.

Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS)

The Integrated Taxonomic Information System is a collaboration of US, Canadian, and Mexican agencies, other organizations, and taxonomic specialists to produce an on-line authoritative list of biological names for the biota of North America. PLANTS contributes the US lichens and vascular and non-vascular plants to ITIS.

Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History (NMNH)

The National Plant Data Team and the NMNH Botany Department cooperate to add images to PLANTS, and to develop a Pacific Basin vascular plant checklist. The NMNH is a partner in the Integrated Taxonomic Information System.

US Army Corps of Engineers

The Construction Engineering Research Laboratory, Champaign, Illinois, has been the primary funding partner for the development of the VegSpec software tool and the supporting plant data that are developed by the National Plant Data Team.

USDA, Agricultural Research Service (ARS)

The USDA ARS Systematic Botany and Mycology Laboratory and the Germplasm Resources Information System work with the National Plant Data Team on the verification of the nomenclature and taxonomy of plant species external to the U.S. ARS is also a partner on the Integrated Taxonomic Information System. The Bee Biology and Systematics Laboratory provided pollinator/host plant data.

USDA, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service

The Plant Protection and Quarantine office in Riverdale, Maryland has supported the PLANTS database since 1989. PLANTS information is used to identify plant materials in interstate commerce and at customs ports. The NRCS National Plant Data Team collaborated with the Center for Plant Health Science & Technology, Plant Epidemiology & Risk Analysis Laboratory to improve the capability of the PLANTS Web site for handling invasive plant information via the development of the Distribution Update module.

USDA, Farm Services Agency (FSA)

The FSA provided support for the development of PLANTS Version 3.0.

USDA, Forest Service

The NRCS and Forest Service cooperate to provide natural resource information to their respective agencies. PLANTS is now integrated into the Forest Service Natural Resources Information System (NRIS).

USDA, Rural Development

Rural Development provided support for the development of PLANTS.

USDI, Bureau of Land Management (BLM)

The BLM provided support for the maintenance of the PLANTS vascular plant checklist.

USDI, Fish and Wildlife Service, National Wetland Inventory (NWI)

The National Plant Data Team and the NWI, Branch of Habitat Assessment have worked together for years. The NWI Wetland Plant Indicator Status list is integrated into PLANTS and based upon PLANTS taxonomy. We have also cooperated with the Fish and Wildlife Service and others to develop an automated polyclave key for the identification of wetland species.

USDI, Geological Survey (USGS)

The National Plant Data Team is working with the USGS Biological Resources Division on a number of items, including the Integrated Taxonomic Information System.

USDC, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)

NOAA, particularly the National Marine Fisheries Service and the National Oceanic Data Center, is a major partner in the development of the Integrated Taxonomic Information System.


Our Data Development and International Partners


Robert Egan (U. Nebraska at Omaha) and Theodore Esslinger (North Dakota State University) assembled the lichen checklist in PLANTS, which is based upon the North American lichen checklist published periodically in the Bryologist. The checklist will be revised to include Hawai’ian lichens in cooperation with George Staples and his staff at the Bishop Museum in Honolulu. Roger Rosentreter of the Bureau of Land Management provided some of our lichen common names from an unpublished manuscript. Future updates of the lichen list are planned.

Liverwort and Hornworts

Ray Stotler and Barbara Crandall-Stotler of Southern Illinois University developed these checklists, which cover continental North America north of Mexico. The hornwort nomenclature is current and complete, the liverwort data less so. We expect a comprehensive and fully synonymized liverwort checklist to be available when Volume 29 of the Flora of North America is published. Hawai’ian hepatics, as assembled by the Bishop Museum, Honululu, will be included in the future.


The mosses are scheduled for update when the Flora of North America Volumes 27 and 28 are published. Volume 27 is due out in 2006. Marshall Crosby of the Missouri Botanical Garden updated our current moss checklist in association with botanists working on bryophytes for the Flora of North America. Lewis Anderson and Molly McMullen of Duke University developed the original list from a checklist published in The Bryologist. The mosses now in PLANTS occur in continental North America north of Mexico. We expect to incorporate Hawai’ian mosses through collaboration with the Bishop Museum.

Vascular Plants

The Biota of North America Program (BONAP), under the direction of Dr. John Kartesz, has provided vascular plant data since the inception of PLANTS.

BONAP’s botanical checklist, in development for more than two decades, is based upon 1) compilation of botanical literature; 2) assessment of the vascular plant collection available at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and other institutions; 3) specialists' review; and 4) field data collected over the past 25 years. BONAP has worked with over 600 botanists to develop the North American vascular plant checklist.

Individual Contributors to PLANTS

PLANTS data are derived from many sources, none more significant than the hundreds of experts who have cooperated with BONAP to develop the vascular plant checklist. However, the list that follows is not restricted to those who have contributed directly to BONAP, nor is it exhaustive. If we have inadvertently omitted your name, please tell us and we will be pleased to acknowledge your contribution.

Adams, Preston-DePauw University
Adams, Robert P.-Baylor University
Aiken, Susan G.-Natural Museum of Natural Sciences
Al-Shehbaz, Ihsan-Missouri Botanical Garden
Allen, Charles-University of Louisiana
Allison, Allen-Bishop Museum
Allred, Kelly W.-New Mexico State University
Ambrose, John D.-University of Guelph
Anderson, Dennis M.-Ohio Department of Natural Resources
Anderson, Edward F.-Whitman College
Anderson, Kat-USDA, NRCS, NPDT
Anderson, Lewis-Duke University (retired)
Anderson, Loran C.-Florida State University
Appleby, Walter-Bishop Museum
Arbo, Maria Mercedes-Instituto de Botanica del Nordeste
Argus, George W.-National Museum of Natural Sciences
Armstrong, Wayne P.-Palomar College
Arnold, H. Lamont-College of Eastern Utah
Aulbach-Smith, Cynthia A.-University of South Carolina
Austin, Daniel F.-Florida Atlantic University
Averett, John E.-National Wildflower Research Center

Bailey, Virginia L.-deceased
Ball, Peter W.-Erindale College
Barbe, G. Douglas-California Department of Food & Agriculture
Barkley, Theodore M.-Kansas State University
Barkworth, Mary E.-Utah State University
Barneby, Rupert C.-New York Botanical Garden
Barnes, Thomas-University of Kentucky
Barrington, David S.-University of Vermont
Bartel, James A.-USDI, Fish & Wildlife Service
Bartgis, Rodney L.-Maryland Natural Heritage Program
Bassett, I. John-Plant Research Institute
Batten, Al-University of Alaska at Fairbanks
Baum, Bernard R.-Biosystematics Research Centre
Bayer, Randall J.-University of Alberta
Beal, Ernest O.-deceased
Beauchamp, R. Mitchel-Pacific Southwest Biological Services
Beetle, Alan A.-University of Wyoming
Beitel, Joseph M.-deceased
Bell, C. Ritchie-University of North Carolina
Benson, Lyman-deceased
Berendsohn Walter-Botanischer Museum Berlin
Bergh, Robert-University of California
Bierner, Mark. W.-Southwest Texas State University
Blackwell, Jr., Will H.-Miami University
Blanche, Catalino, Southern University
Bollick, Peg-University of Nebraska, Lincoln
Bornstein, Allan J.-Southeast Missouri State University
Boufford, David E.-Harvard University
Bozeman, John R.-Department of Natural Resources
Bretting, Peter K.-Indiana Crop Improvement Association
Broome, C. Rose-USDA, ARS, Plant Genome Project
Brown, Gregory K.-University of Wyoming
Browne, Jr., Edward T.-Memphis State University
Brunken, Jere-Ohio State University
Burch, Derek-University of Florida
Burger, William C.-Field Museum of Natural History
Burns, Alta-USDA, NRCS, ITC

Canne-Hilliker, Judith M.-University of Guelph
Cantino, Philip D.-Ohio University
Carlson, Jack-USDA, NRCS, IRMD
Carr, Gerald D.-University of Hawaii
Case, II, Frederick W.
Castaner, David-Central Missouri State University
Catling, Paul M.-Biosystematics Research Centre
Cayouette, Jacques-Department of Agriculture
Chao, Jew-Ming-Burlington County Forensic Science Lab
Cheng, Jin-National Plant Data Team
Church, George-Brown University
Clark, Robert B.
Clark, Ross C.-Morton Arboretum
Clark, W. Dennis-Arizona State University
Clausen, Knud E.-USDA, Forest Service
Clausen, Robert T.-deceased
Clewell, Andre F.-A.F. Clewell, Inc.
Clonts, Jerry A.-Anderson College
Coleman, James-Universidad Estadual Paulista
Collins, Joseph L.-Tennessee Valley Authority
Collins, Turner-Evangel College
Constance, Lincoln-University of California
Cook, Christopher D.K.-Institut fur Syst. Botanik
Cooperrider, Tom S.-Kent State University
Core, Earl L.-Kent State University
Cornellier, Normand-Jardin Botanique de Montreal
Crampton, Beecher-University of California
Crins, William J.-New York State Museum
Cristobal, Carmen L.-Instituto de Botanica del Nordeste
Critchfield, William B.-deceased
Cronquist, Arthur-deceased
Crow, Garrett E.-University of New Hampshire

D'Arcy, William G.-Missouri Botanical Garden
Dahling, Gerald-Macalester College
Daniel, Thomas F.-California Academy of Sciences
Darbyshire, Stephen J.-Department of Agriculture
Davis, Hannibal A.
Davis, William S.-University of Louisville
Day, Alva G.-California Academy of Sciences
de Wet, James-University of Illinois
DeBuhr, Larry E.-Missouri Botanical Garden
DeGarmo, Harlan-USDA, NRCS (retired)
DeJong, D.C.D.-University of Cincinnati
Delendick, Thomas J.-Brooklyn Botanical Garden
Dempster, Lauramay T.-University of California
Dennis, W. Michael-Breedlove, Dennis & Associates
Denton, Melinda F.-University of Washington
DeSelm, Hal R.-University of Tennessee
Dewey, Douglas R.-USDA, ARS (retired)
Dodd, Mary Lea-USDA, OCIO, National Information Technology Center
Douglas, George W.-Douglas Ecological Consultants, Ltd.
Drapalik, Donald J.-Georgia Southern College
Dressler, Robert L.-Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute
Dudley, Theodore R.-USDA, ARS (deceased)
Duncan, Thomas-University of California
Duncan, Wilbur H.-University of Georgia
Dunn, David-University of Missouri

Ebinger, John E.-Eastern Illinois University
Eckenwalder, James E.-University of Toronto
Ediger, Robert I.-California State University
Egan, Robert, University of Nebraska, Omaha
Eiten, George-University de Brasilia
Elisens, Wayne J.-University of Oklahoma
Elvander, Patrick E.-University of California
Eshbaugh, W. Hardy-Miami University
Estes, James R.-University of Oklahoma
Eyde, Richard H.-deceased
Ezell, Wayland L.-St. Cloud State University

Faden, Robert B.-Smithsonian Institution
Fairey, III, John E.-Clemson University
Fishbein, Mark-Mississippi State University
Fisher, T. Richard-Schedel Foundation
Flory, Jr., Walter S.-Wake Forest University
Freckmann, Robert W.-University of Wisconsin
Freeman, Craig-University of Kansas at Lawrence
Freeman, John D.-Auburn University
Frohlich, Michael W.-Union College
Fryxell, Paul A.-Texas A&M University (retired)
Furlow, John J.-Ohio State University

Galloway, Leo A.-Missouri Western State College
Gardner, Robert-deceased
Gentry, Alwyn-deceased
Gentry, Howard S.-Desert Botanical Garden
Gandhi, Kancheepuram-Harvard University Herbaria
Gibbs, Jacy, USDA, NRCS, National Technical Center
Gillett, John M.-National Museum of Natural Sciences
Gillis, William T.-deceased
Glassman, Sidney F.-University of Illinois
Godfrey, Robert K.-Florida State University
Goldberg, Aaron-Smithsonian Institution
Goldblatt, Peter-Missouri Botanical Garden
Gottlieb, Leslie D.-University of California
Graham, Shirley A.-Kent State University
Grant, William F.-MacDonald College of McGill University
Greene, Craig W.-College of the Atlantic
Guala, II, Gerald F.-USDA, NRCS, NPDT
Gunn, Charles R.-USDA, ARS, SB&ML (retired)
Guthrie, Roland L.-West Virginia University
Guynn, David, Clemson University

Haber, Erich-National Museum of Natural Sciences
Hall, David W.-University of Florida
Hamet-Ahti, Leena-University of Helsinki
Hardin, James W.-North Carolina State University
Harms, Vernon L.-Univesity of Saskatchewan
Hartgraves, Rex-USDA, Forest Service
Hartman, Ronald L.-University of Wyoming
Harvey, LeRoy H.
Harvey, M.J.-Dalhousie University
Harward, Ken-USDA NRCS ITC
Haynes, Robert R.-University of Alabama
Heckard, Lawrence R.-deceased
Heiser, Jr., Charles B.-Indiana University
Henderson, Douglass M.-University of Idaho
Henson, James-USDA, NRCS, NPDT
Hermann, Frederick J.-deceased
Hernandez, Tony, USDA, OCIO, National Information Technology Center
Hevly, Richard H.-Northern Arizona University
Hickman, James C.-University of California
Higgins, Larry C.-West Texas State University
Hill, Steven R.-Clemson University
Hodel, Donald R.-University of California
Hohn, Janet-USDI, Fish & Wildlife Service
Holmes, Walter C.-Baylor University
Holmgren, Arthur H.-Utah State University (retired)
Hommersnad, Francia-University of North Carolina
Horn, Charles N.-Newberry College
Hornberger, Kathleen L.-Widener University
Horton, James H.-Western Carolina University
Howard, Richard A.-New York Botanical Garden
Howell, John Thomas-California Academy of Sciences
Huddleston, Paula-USDA, OCIO, National Information Technology Center
Huft, Michael J.-Field Museum of Natural History
Hunt, David R.-Royal Botanic Gardens
Hurst, Steve-USDA, AMS retired
Huttleston, Donald G.-Longwood Gardens

Iltis, Hugh H.-University of Wisconsin
Ingram, John-Cornell University
Inouye, Daniel-University of Maryland
Irving, Robert S.-University of Nebraska
Isely, Duane-Iowa State University

Jackson, Raymond C.-Texas Tech University
Jansen, Robert K.-University of Connecticut
Jeffrey, C.-Royal Botanic Gardens
Jernstedt, Judith A.-University of Georgia
Johnson, Miles F.-Virginia Commonwealth University
Johnson, R. Roy-Grand Canyon National Park
Johnston, Barry C.-USDA, FS, Gunnison Service Center
Johnston, Marshall C.-University of Texas
Jones, Almut G.-University of Illinois
Jones, Jr., Samuel B.-University of Georgia
Jones, Stanley D.-Texas A&M University

Kartesz, John-BONAP
Keating, Richard-Southern Illinois University
Keener, Carl S.-Pennsylvania State University
Keil, David J.-California Polytechnic State University
Kellogg, Elizabeth A.-Washington University
Kiger, Robert W.-Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation
Kirkbride, Jr. Joseph H.-USDA, ARS, SBML
Koch, Rudy G.-University of Wisconsin
Koch, Stephen D.-Colegio de Postgraduados
Krajina, Vladimir J.-University of British Columbia
Kral, Robert-Vanderbilt University
Kruckeberg, Arthur R.-University of Washington
Kuijt, Job-University of Lethbridge
Kulakow, Peter-Kansas State University
Kyhos, Donald W.-University of California

Ladd, Douglass-The Nature Conservancy
Laing, Charles C.-Ohio Northern University
Lamboy, Warren F.-University of Illinois
Lane, Meredith A.-University of Kansas
Lawson, Cheryl A.-University of Oklahoma
Lee, Gregory J.-University of California
Lehtonen, Polly-USDA, APHIS, BATS
Lenz, Lee W.-Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden
Les, Donald H.-University of Wisconsin
Lewis, F. Harlan-University of California
Lewis, Walter H.-Washington University
Little, Jr. Elbert L.-Arlington, VA (retired)
Lloyd, Robert M.-Ohio University
Lonard, Robert-Pan American University
Lourteig, Alicia-Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle
Lowden, Richard M.-Universidad Catolica Madre y Maestra
Lowrey, Timothy K.-University of New Mexico
Luer, Carlyle A.-Missouri Botanical Garden
Luteyn, James L.-New York Botanical Garden

MacBryde, Bruce-USDI, Fish & Wildlife Service
MacDougal, John M.-Missouri Botanical Garden
Macfarlane, Roger M.
MacRoberts, D.T.-Louisiana State University
Magee, Dennis-Normandeau Associates
Magrath, Lawrence K.-University of Sciences and Arts of Oklahoma
Maguire, Bassett-deceased
Mahler, William F.-Southern Methodist University
Manning, Wayne E.-Bucknell University
Mass, Pieter J.M.-State University of Utrecht
Matthews, James F.-University of North Carolina
Mayfield, Mark H.-Louisiana State University
Mazzeo, Peter M.-USDA, ARS, National Arboretum
McCook, Lucile-University of Mississippi
McGregor, Ronald L.-University of Kansas
McKinney, Landon E.-Vanderbilt University
McMullen, Molly-Duke University
McNeill, John-Royal Ontario Museum
McVaugh, Rogers-University of North Carolina
Meagher, Martha B.
Mears, James A.-Academy of Natural Sciences
Meerow, Alan W.-University of Florida
Mellichamp, T. Lawrence-University of North Carolina
Merhoff, III, Loyal A.-University of Hawaii
Metcalf, Homer-deceased
Meyer, Frederick G.-USDA, ARS, National Arboretum
Mickel, John T.-New York Botanical Garden
Miller, Scott-Bishop Museum
Mingrone, Louis V.-Bloomsburg State College
Mitchell, Richard S.-New York State Museum
Moe, L. Maynard-California State College
Moldenke, Harold N.-deceased
Monroe, Gary-Carson City, NV
Moore, Jr., Harold E.-deceased
Moore, Lincoln-USDA, NRCS, NPDT
Moore, Michael O.-University of Georgia
Mooring, John-University of Santa Cruz
Moran, Reid
Morefield, James D.-Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden
Morley, Thomas-University of Minnesota
Morse, Larry E.-The Nature Conservancy
Mulligan, Gerald A.-Biosystematics Research Centre
Murray, David-University of Alaska at Fairbanks-emeritus
Musselmam, Lytton-Old Dominion University

Nagata, Kenneth M.-University of Hawaii
Neher, Robert T.-University of La Verne
Nelson, John B.-South Carolina Wildlife & Marine Resources
Nesom, Guy L.-TRIES, Huntsville, TX
Nevling, Jr., Lorin I.-Illinois Natural History Survey
Nicolson, Dan H.-Smithsonian Institution
Niles, Wesley E.-University of Nevada
Noel, Bert-USDA OCIO National Information Technology Center
Norman, Eliane M.-Stetson University
Noricks, Rebecca-USDA, NRCS, NPDT
Northington, David K.-National Wildflower Research Center

Oaks, Wendall-USDA, NRCS, IRMD
Olsen, John S.-Rhodes College
Ornduff, Robert-University of California
Owenby, Gerald B.-University of Minnesota

Packer, John G.-University of Alberta
Palkovic, Lawrence A.-California State University
Pankhurst, Richard-Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh
Parks, James C.-Millersville University
Parnell, Dennis R.-California State University
Pavlick, Leon E.-Royal British Columbia Museum
Pennington, T.D.-Royal Botanic Gardens
Perry, James D.-University of North Carolina
Peterson, J. Scott-USDA, NRCS, NPDT
Pfeifer, Howard W.-University of Connecticut
Pinkava, Donald J.-Arizona State University
Pippen, Richard W.-Western Michigan University
Plowman, Timothy C.-deceased
Porter, Duncan M.-Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University
Post, Douglas M.
Powell, A. Michael-Sul Ross State University
Prance, Ghillean T.-Royal Botanic Gardens
Preece, Sherman J.-University of Montana
Price, Robert A.-Indiana University
Prigge, Barry A.-University of California
Primack, Richard B.-Boston University
Prince, Martha
Pringle, James S.-Royal Botanical Gardens
Pyle, Alex-USDA, OCIO, National Information Technology Center
Pyrah, Grant L.-Southwest Missouri State University

Rabeler, Richard K.-University of Michigan
Rahn, Knud-University of Copenhagen
Ramsey, Gwynn W.-Lynchburg College
Ray, William-USDA, OCIO, National Information Technology Center
Read, Robert W.
Reed, Clyde F.-Reed Library & Herbarium
Reed, Porter-USDI, FWS, National Wetland Inventory
Reeder, Charlotte-University of Arizona
Reeder, John-University of Arizona
Reveal, James L.-University of Maryland
Reznicek, Anton A.-University of Michigan
Richards, Adrian J.-University of Newcastle
Richards, Edward L.-Arkansas State University
Richardson, Alfred-Texas Southmost College
Riefner, Jr., Richard E.-Towson State University
Riggins, Rhonda-California Polytechnic State University
Robbins, R. Laurie-Emporia State University
Robertson, Kenneth R.-Illinois Natural History Survey
Robinson, Harold E.-Smithsonian Institution
Rodman, James E.-National Science Foundation
Rogers, Blaine D.-Columbia College
Rogers, Claude M.-Wayne State University
Rollins, Reed C.-Harvard University, Gray Herbarium
Rouault, Jason-USDA, NRCS, ITC
Rudd, Velva E.
Ruff, William R.-Central Florida Community College
Russell, George-Smithsonian Institution
Russell, Norman H.-Central State University

Salamun, Peter J.-University of Wisconsin
Salvo, Keith-USDA, NRCS (retired)
Sanders, Roger W.-Fairchild Tropical Garden
Sanderson, Stewart C.-Brigham Young University
Sauer, Johathan D.-University of California
Saunders, Jan-Instituto de Botanica del Nordeste
Schilling, Edward E.-University of Tennessee
Schmidt, Clifford L.-San Jose State University
Schneider, Al-Cortez, Colorado
Schnell, Donald E.
Scholz, Hildemar-Botanishes Museum
Schubert, Bernice G.-Harvard University Herbarium
Schuyler, Alfred E.-Academy of Natural Sciences
Scora, Rainer W.-University of California
Scott, Peter J.-Memorial University of Newfoundland
Semple, John C.-University of Waterloo
Sharp, W. Curtis-USDA, NRCS (retired)
Shaw, Elizabeth A.-Harvard University Herbarium
Shaw, Richard M.-(retired)
Sherman, Harry L.-Mississippi University for Women
Shetler, Stanwyn G.-Smithsonian Institution
Shultz, Leila M.-Harvard University
Simpson, Beryl B.-University of Texas
Skinner, H.T.-USDA, ARS, National Arboretum
Skinner, Mark W.-USDA, NRCS, NPDT
Skinner, Steven G.-Towson State University
Skog, Laurence E.-Smithsonian Institution
Small, Ernest-Biosystematics Research Centre
Smith, Alan R.-University of California
Smith, Edwin B.-University of Arkansas
Smith, Lyman B.-Smithsonian Institution
Smith, Robert R.-Hartwick College
Smith, Rosemary M.-Royal Botanic Gardens
Snow, Neil-University of Wyoming
Soltis, Douglas E.-Washington State University
Spellenberg, Richard W.-New Mexico State University
Spongberg, Stephen A.-Harvard University Herbaria
St. John, Harold-deceased
Stebbins, G. Ledyard-University of California
Stevens, Peter F.-Harvard University Herbaria
Stieber, Michael T.-Morton Arboretum
Stone, Benjamin C.-Academy of Natural Sciences
Stoutamire, Warren P.-University of Akron
Straley, Gerald B.-Office of the Botanical Garden
Strother, John L.-University of California
Stuckey, Ronald L.-Ohio State University
Stuessy, Tod F.-Ohio State University
Stutz, Howard-Brigham Young University
Sullivan, Janet R.-University of New Hampshire
Sundell, Eric-University of Arkansas
Svenson, Henry K.-deceased

Tanowitz, Barry D.-University of California
Taylor, Constance E.S.-Southeastern Oklahoma State University
Taylor, Nigel-Royal Botanic Gardens
Taylor, Peter-Royal Botanic Gardens
Taylor, W. Carl-Milwaukee Public Museum
Terrell, Edward E.-University of Maryland
Thieret, John W.-Northern Kentucky University
Thomas, Joab L.-University of Alabama
Thompson, Henry J.-University of California
Thompson, Sue A.-Carnegie Museum of Natural History
Tiffney, Wesley N.-University of Massachusetts
Timbrook, Steven L.-Lotusland Foundation
Todzia, Carol-University of Texas, Austin
Tomb, A. Spencer-Exxon Corporation
Torres, Andrew M.-University of Kansas
Towner, Howard-Loyola Marymount University
Tryon, Rolla M.-University of South Florida
Tucker, Arthur O.-Deleware State College
Tucker, Gordon C.-New York State Museum
Tucker, John M.-University of California
Tyrl, Ronald J.-Oklahoma State University

Umber, Ray E.
Urbatsch, Lowell E.-Louisiana State University
Utech, Frederick H.-Carnegie Museum of Natural History
Uttal, Leonard J.-Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University

van der Werff, Henk-Missouri Botanical Garden
Van Horn, Gene S.-University of Tennessee
Vander Kloet, Sam P.-Acadia University
Vasek, Frank C.-University of California
Verhoek-Williams, Susan E.-Lebanon Valley College
Vickery, Jr., Robert K.-University of Utah
Vivaldi, Jose L.-USDI, National Park Service
Voigt, Robin, Baton Rouge
von Bothmer, Roland-Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences

Wagner, Jr., Warren H.-deceased
Wagner, Warren L.-Smithsonian Institution
Wallace, Gary D.-Natural History Museum
Ware, Donna M.E.-College of William and Mary
Ware, Stewart-College of William and Mary
Wasshausen, Dieter C.-Smithsonian Institution
Watson, Jr., Thomas J.-University of Montana
Webster, Grady L.-University of California
Weedon, Ronald R.-Chadron State University
Wells, Elizabeth F.-George Washington University
Wells, James R.-Cranbrook Institute of Sciences
Wells, Philip V.-University of Kansas
Welsh, Stanley L.-Brigham Young University
Wendt, Thomas L.-University of Texas
Wessies, Glen-USDA, NRCS, National Soil Erosion Lab
Whalen, Molly A.-Flinders University
Wherry, Edgar T.-deceased
White, Frank-University of Oxford
Whittaker, Thomas W.-USDA
Wiens, Delbert-University of Utah
Wiersema, John H.-USDA, ARS, SB&ML
Wilbur, Robert L.-Duke University
Wilken, Dieter H.-Santa Barbara Botanic Garden
Wilson, F. Douglas-Western Cotton Research Laboratory
Wilson, Hugh D.-Texas A&M University
Windham, Michael D.-University of Utah
Windler, Donald R.-Towson State University
Wipff, Joseph Karl-Texas A&M University
Witherspoon, John T.
Woodland, Dennis W.-Andrews University
Wooten, George Jr. - Wenatchee Valley College North
Wooten, Jean W.-University of Southern Mississippi
Wunderlin, Richard P.-University of South Florida
Wurdack, John J.-Smithsonian Institution

Yeo, Peter F.-University Botanic Garden
Young, David A.-Santa Barbara Botanic Garden

Zanoni, Thomas A.-Jardin Botanica Nacional

Institutions That Have Cooperated on the PLANTS Project

Alcorn State University, College of Agriculture
American Samoa Community College
Biota of North America Program (J. Kartesz)
Bishop Museum (G. Staples & A. Allison)
Botanisches Garten und Botanischer Museum, Berlin-Dahlem (BGBM)
Clemson University (D. Guynn)
Duke University (L. Anderson & M. McMullen)
Flora of North America (J. McNeill & J. Zarucchi)
Kansas State University (P. Kulakow)
Louisiana State University (L. Urbatsch & M. Mayfield)
International Organization for Plant Information (IOPI)
Mississippi State University (M. Fishbein)
IUBS, Taxonomic Database Working Group (TDWG)
Missouri Botanical Gardens (M. Crosby & R. Magill)
North Carolina A&T University (M. Kamp-Glass)
Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh (R. Pankhurst)
Santa Barbara Botanic Garden (D. Wilken)
Smithsonian Institution, NMNH (W. Wagner & G. Russell)
Southern Illinois University (R. Stotler & B. Crandall-Stotler)
Southern University (M. Smalley, K. Mellad & F. Lorenzo)
Species 2000
University of Alabama-Tuscaloosa (R. Haynes)
University of Alaska at Fairbanks (A. Batten & D. Murray)
University of Colorado-Boulder (W. Weber)
University of Guam
University of Kansas at Lawrence (C. Freeman)
University of Louisiana at Monroe (C. Allen)
University of Maryland (D. Inouye)
University of Mississippi (L. McCook)
University of Nebraska-Lincoln (M. Bolick)
University of Nebraska-Omaha (R. Egan)
University of Texas-Austin (C. Todzia)
University of Wyoming (R. Hartman)
Utah State University (M. Barkworth & L. Shultz)