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Use PLANTS Searches to Find Plants

PLANTS has three general searches located at the top of the left hand menu on every page. Each search produces a list of name matches with links to PLANTS Profiles.

  • Name Search
    • Find matching Scientific Names, Common Names, or Symbols.
    • Wildcards (*) are used on both ends of the search text. If you search on the scientific name Cryptantha, the search returns all the Cryptantha species, plus Phacelia cryptantha. If you search on the common name grass, the search returns Junegrass and grass pink.
  • State Search
    • Find matching Scientific Names, Common Names, Symbols, or Families.
    • Filter by state and province distribution for plants in the PLANTS Floristic Area.
    • This search uses explicit wildcards to tightly constrain results.
  • Advanced Search
    • Search and/or download the entire PLANTS data set using flexible, multiple criteria.
    • This search uses explicit wildcards to tightly constrain results.

For additional information including how to construct search strings and use the various checklists, please see the comprehensive PLANTS Tutorial (PDF, 723KB).