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Renewal Funding Inflation Factors

Renewal Funding Inflation Factors are used in the allocation of Housing Choice Voucher funds among Public Housing Agencies. Prior to FY 2012, these factors were called Renewal Funding Annual Adjustment Factors. In the FY 2012 HUD Appropriations bill, Congress changed the name of these factors in recognition of HUD’s new methodology for calculating the factors, which now take advantage of ongoing PD&R research aimed at better understanding the drivers of change in per-unit-costs (PUC) in the voucher program. Renewal Funding Inflation Factors have been developed to account for the expected annual change in average PUC in the voucher program using historical program data, coupled with several economic indices used to capture key components of the economic climate which also assist in explaining the changes in PUC.

2016 Notice (*.pdf, 118 KB)

2016 Table (*.pdf, 809 KB)

2015 Notice (*.pdf, 232 KB)

2015 Table (*.pdf, 158 KB)

2014 Notice (*.pdf, 200 KB)
(Effective April 28, 2014)

2014 Table (*.pdf, 75.4 KB)

2013 Area Definition (*.pdf, 75.4 KB)

2013 Notice (*.pdf, 215 KB)

2013 Table (*.pdf, 61.6 KB)

2012 Area Definition (*.pdf, 36 KB)

2012 Notice (*.pdf, 24 KB)

2012 Table (*.pdf, 24 KB)