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Uniform Relocation Act Income Limits

The Uniform Relocation Act Income Limits establish the extent of replacement housing assistance dependent on qualifying as low-income, as defined by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. The act applies to all federal agencies that initiate action that forces households to relocate from their residence.

Low Income Limit Technical Resources

  • Income Limit Area Definition in pdf (890 KB)
  • Low Income Limits
    FY 2016 nationwide list of low income limits in pdf (1.4 MB) and MS Word (479 KB). To view all URA low-income limits for a specific State, in pdf format, go to the map below and click on that State.

    The effective date is March 6, 2015.

    Low Income Limit Technical Resources

  • Income Limit Area Definition in pdf (445 KB)
  • Low Income Limits
    FY 2015 nationwide list of low income limits in pdf (5.26 MB) and MS Word (472 KB). To view all URA low-income limits for a specific State, in pdf format, go to the map below and click on that State.

    The effective date is December 18, 2013.

    Low Income Limit Technical Resources

  • Income Limit Area Definition in pdf (445 KB)

  • Low Income Limits
    FY 2014 nationwide list of low income limits in pdf (5.26 MB) and MS Word (3.01 MB). To view all URA low-income limits for a specific State, in pdf format, go to the map below and click on that State.


    The effective date is December 11, 2012.

    Low Income Limit Technical Resources

  • Income Limit Area Definition in pdf (309 KB)

  • Low Income Limits
    FY 2013 nationwide list of low income limits in pdf (339 KB) and MS Word (3.01 MB). To view all URA low-income limits for a specific State, in pdf format, go to the map below and click on that State.


    The effective date is December 1, 2011.

    Low Income Limit Technical Resources

  • Income Limit Area Definition in pdf (309 KB)

  • Low Income Limits
    FY 2012 nationwide list of low income limits in pdf (293 KB) and MS Word (3.0 MB). To view all URA low-income limits for a specific State, in pdf format, go to the map below and click on that State.


    The effective date is May 31, 2011.

    Low Income Limit Technical Resources

  • Income Limit Area Definition in pdf (309 KB)

  • Low Income Limits
    FY 2011 nationwide list of low income limits in pdf (293 KB) and MS Word (3.0 MB). To view all URA low-income limits for a specific State, in pdf format, go to the map below and click on that State.


    The effective date is May 14, 2010.

    Low Income Limit Technical Resources

  • Income Limit Area Definition in pdf (447 KB)
    FY2010 List of Counties (and New England Towns) identified by state and metropolitan area. This resource must be used to identify the appropriate metropolitan area or nonmetropolitan county in which the displacement property is located.

  • Low Income Limits
    FY 2010 nationwide list of low income limits in pdf (685 KB) and MS Word (2.88 MB). To view all URA low-income limits for a specific State, in pdf format, go to the map below and click on that State.


    The effective date is March 19, 2009.

    Low Income Limit Technical Resources

  • Income Limit Area Definition in pdf (344 KB)
    FY2009 List of Counties (and New England Towns) identified by state and metropolitan area. This resource must be used to identify the appropriate metropolitan area or nonmetropolitan county in which the displacement property is located.

  • Low Income Limits
    FY 2009 nationwide list of low income limits in pdf (1.05 MB) and MS Word (1.51 MB). To view all URA low-income limits for a specific State, in pdf format, go to the map below and click on that State.


    The effective date is February 13, 2008.

    Low Income Limit Technical Resources

  • Income Limit Area Definition in pdf (192 KB)
    FY 2008 List of Counties (and New England Towns) identified by state and metropolitan area. This resource must be used to identify the appropriate metropolitan area or nonmetropolitan county in which the displacement property is located.

  • Low Income Limits
    FY 2008 nationwide list of low income limits in pdf (377 KB) and MS Word (755 KB). To view all URA low-income limits for a specific State, in pdf format, go to the map below and click on that State.


    The effective date is March 20, 2007.

    Low Income Limit Technical Resources

  • Income Limit Area Definition in pdf (218 KB) and MS WORD (339 KB)
    FY2007 List of Counties (and New England Towns) identified by state and metropolitan area. This resource must be used to identify the appropriate metropolitan area or nonmetropolitan county in which the displacement property is located.

  • Low Income Limits
    FY2007 nationwide list of low income limits in pdf (424 KB) and MS Word (1.13 MB). To view all URA Low Income Limits for a specific State, in pdf format, go to the map below and click on that State.
    A technical correction has been made to the FY2007 URA Low Income Limits nationwide table and to the affected state tables. This correction was posted on April 16, 2007. The three areas where the Low Income Limits changed are: Sioux County, IA; Warren County, VA HMFA; and Northumberland County, VA. In addition, Median Family Income estimates for 15 areas were corrected but their Low Income Limits were not affected. Median Family Income estimates are shown on the URA tables, so these corrections have also been made.


    The effective date is March 8, 2006.

    Low Income Limit Technical Resources

  • Income Limit Area Definition in pdf (343 KB) and MS WORD (216 KB)
    FY2006 List of Counties (and New England Towns) identified by state and metropolitan area. This resource must be used to identify the appropriate metropolitan area or nonmetropolitan county in which the displacement property is located.

  • Low Income Limits. (*.pdf, 420 KB)
    To view URA Low Income Limits for a given county or a specific State, in pdf format, go to the U.S. map below and click on the State you are interested in. If you are interested in a nationwide list of low income limits in word format click here (*.doc, 1.01 MB).

    The effective date is February 11, 2005.

    Low Income Limit Technical Resources

    • Income Limit Area Definition in pdf (120 KB) and MS WORD (133 KB)
      (FY2005 State list of Counties (and New England Towns) identified by metropolitan and nonmetropolitan status) This resource must be used to identify the appropriate County, Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA, or Primary Metropolitan Statistical Area (PMSA) in which the displacement property is located.
    • Low Income Limits. (*.pdf, 440 KB)
      To view URA Low Income Limits for a given county or a specific State, in pdf format, go to the U.S. map below and click on the State you are interested in. If you are interested in a nationwide list of low income limits in word format click here (*.doc, 696 KB).


    map U.S. Map U.S. Map U.S. Map U.S. Map U.S. Map U.S. Map U.S. Map U.S. Map U.S. Map U.S. Map U.S. Map U.S. Map U.S. Map U.S. Map U.S. Map U.S. Map U.S. Map U.S. Map U.S. Map U.S. Map U.S. Map U.S. Map U.S. Map U.S. Map U.S. Map U.S. Map U.S. Map U.S. Map U.S. Map U.S. Map U.S. Map U.S. Map U.S. Map U.S. Map U.S. Map U.S. Map U.S. Map U.S. Map U.S. Map U.S. Map U.S. Map U.S. Map U.S. Map U.S. Map U.S. Map U.S. Map U.S. Map U.S. Map U.S. Map U.S. Map U.S. Map U.S. Map U.S. Map U.S. Map U.S. Map

    Low Income Limit Technical Resources

    • Income Limit Area Definition in pdf and MS WORD
      (FY2004 State list of counties (and New England Towns) identified by metropolitan and nonmetropolitan status) This resource must be used to identify the appropriate county, Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA), or Primary Metropolitan Statistical Area (PMSA), in which the displacement property is located.
    • Low Income Limits. (*.pdf, 440 KB)
      To view URA Low Income Limits for a given county or a specific State, in pdf format, go to the U.S. map below and click on the State you are interested in. If you are interested in a nationwide list of low income limits in word format click here.


    map U.S. Map U.S. Map U.S. Map U.S. Map U.S. Map U.S. Map U.S. Map U.S. Map U.S. Map U.S. Map U.S. Map U.S. Map U.S. Map U.S. Map U.S. Map U.S. Map U.S. Map U.S. Map U.S. Map U.S. Map U.S. Map U.S. Map U.S. Map U.S. Map U.S. Map U.S. Map U.S. Map U.S. Map U.S. Map U.S. Map U.S. Map U.S. Map U.S. Map U.S. Map U.S. Map U.S. Map U.S. Map U.S. Map U.S. Map U.S. Map U.S. Map U.S. Map U.S. Map U.S. Map U.S. Map U.S. Map U.S. Map U.S. Map U.S. Map U.S. Map U.S. Map U.S. Map U.S. Map U.S. Map U.S. Map