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The Report Expenditures and Results tool allows users to search a repository of NIH-funded research projects and access publications and patents resulting from NIH funding.

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NIH Intramural Database

The NIH Intramural Database collects and disseminates information about research being performed in the Intramural Programs of the Institutes and Centers of the National Institutes of Health.

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Impact of NIH Research

NIH-supported research has had a major positive impact on nearly all of our lives by improving human health, fueling the U.S. economy, and creating jobs in our communities.

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Inclusion Of Women And Minorities In Clinical Research

NIH reports on aggregate inclusion data on study populations for NIH-funded human subjects research since fiscal year 1994.

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The mission of the NIH is to seek fundamental knowledge about the nature and behavior of living systems and the application of that knowledge to enhance health, lengthen life, and reduce the burdens of illness and disability. The NIH has integrated the highest level of public accountability into its scientific mission through access to its research data. To that end, the Research Portfolio Online Reporting Tools provide access to reports, data, and analyses of NIH research activities, including information on NIH expenditures and the results of NIH-supported research.

Recovery Act on RePORT

Advances and investments in NIH biomedical research made possible by the infusion of ARRA funds.

NIH Clinical Research Trials and You

Clinical trials look at new ways to prevent, detect, or treat disease.

NIH Research Timelines

The Fact Sheets on this site tell the stories of research discovery, current treatment status, and future expectations for the prevention and treatment of diseases and conditions affecting the nation's health.

NIH and the Recovery Act

Discover the research being conducted with the support of NIH ARRA funding.
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RePORT Atlas

List of NIH Research & Prevention Program, Health Related, and Science Maps.

Did you know?

Search Federal RePORTER for funding information from several research funders, including NIH, NSF, NASA, EPA, DOD, AHRQ, FDA, CDC, VA, and more.

Generally, project abstracts are posted to the RePORT website the first Sunday after the grant award notice is issued or on the budget start date; whichever is later?

The RePORTER database is refreshed every Sunday? The latest refresh date is below the RePORTER query form?

Graphs from the RePORTER Data and Visualize Tab can be exported to a PowerPoint and the Summary tables can be exported to an Excel sheet?

The RePORTER Database is available for bulk download to all public users at

RePORTER can filter results by foreign country from the Query form?

You can save your RePORTER queries and results by using MyREPORTER? Learn More

You can search by principal investigator or project leader name using the RePORTER Query Form?

Boolean logic features allow RePORTER to perform complex text searching? This feature can be used in combination with other filter criteria for customized data gathering/mining.

The Research, Condition and Disease Categorization (RCDC) process established in 2008 is a rules based approach to the placement of projects into their NIH categorical spending category?

The RePORTER database contains research project information for the past 25 years?

You can find research funded with a particular NIH grant activity by using a wildcard character along with the activity code in the Project Number field (e.g %P30% to list all P30 Projects)?

There is a RePORTER printer friendly page format available through the Print Version button?

You will find most of the answers about RePORTER and its features in the RePORTER manual?

By default, the RePORTER Query form selects active projects, regardless of fiscal year of funding? Selecting all fiscal years includes the projects no longer active.

The RePORTER query form has various fields which allow use of the % wildcard feature? Click here

RePORTER handles special character combinations that occur with chemical names through its Advanced logic feature using double quotes around the text; "2, 4-Dinitroanisole"? Learn More

RePORTER can now perform a text search on publication abstracts also? Learn More

Clicking on a Project Number or Title in RePORTER search results will present additional information such as the abstract, project terms, and funding details?

RePORTER has a Similar Projects tab that will produce a listing of projects "similar" to the one selected?

RePORTER export now allows for 15,000 projects (basic elements only) to be exported to an excel file?

On the Categorical Spending page, NIH-funded research is categorized into more than 200 specific/disease research areas?

The Categorical Spending filter in RePORTER allows you to search NIH-funded research in more than 200 specific/disease research areas?

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