Lower Colorado Region Environmental Documents

Eastern Nevada Transmission Project
    Final Environmental Assessment - May 2016 (PDF, 1.64 MB)
    Finding of No Significant Impact - October 2016 (PDF, 840 KB)

Laughlin Races in the Year Round Racing Area
     Finding of No Significant Impact - Laughlin Races in the Year Round Racing Area - February 2016 (PDF, 1.05 MB)
     Laughlin Races in the Year Round Racing Area Environmental Assessment - February 2016 (PDF, 459 KB)

Overton Power District No. 5 Power Transmission Expansion Project
     Finding of No Significant Impact - Overton Power District No. 5 Power Transmission Expansion Project - Januray 2016 (PDF, 883 KB)
     Overton Power District No. 5 Power Transmission Expansion Project Environmental Assessment - March 2014 (PDF, 6.05 MB)
     Appendix A - March 2014 (PDF, 108 KB)
     Appendix B - March 2014 (PDF, 578 KB)
     Appendix C-E - March 2014 (PDF, 816 KB)
     Appendix F - March 2014 (PDF, 5.83 KB)
     Appendix G - March 2014 (PDF, 10.39 MB)

Mojave Valley Conservation Area Backwater Project
     Mohave Valley Conservation Area Backwater Project Draft Environmental Assessment/Mitigated Negative Declaration - October 2015 (PDF, 2.05 MB)
     Note: This link will take you to the California State Lands Commission website to access the electronic documents for this project.

River Mountains Solar Project
     River Mountains Solar Project Final Environmental Assessment - June 2015 (PDF, 3.89 MB)
     Appendix A - Environmental Mitigation Measures - June 2015 (PDF, 238 KB)
     Appendix B - Drainage Study - June 2015 (PDF, 27.2 MB)
     Appendix C - Visual Resource Management Analysis - June 2015 (PDF, 3.3 MB)

City of Henderson R-10/R10-A Water Tank Site
     City of Henderson R-10/10A Water Tank Site Finding of No Significant Impact and Final Environmental Assessment - July 2015 (PDF, 7.96 MB)
     City of Henderson R-10/10A Water Tank Site Draft Environmental Assessment - April 2015 (PDF, 1.21 MB)

Planet Ranch Lease Environmental Assessment
     Planet Ranch Lease Final Environmental Assessment - July 2015 (PDF, 9.61 MB)
     Appendix A - July 2015 (PDF, 201 KB)
     Appendix B - July 2015 (PDF, 13.52 MB)
     Appendix C - July 2015 (PDF, 3.04 MB)

     Planet Ranch Lease Draft Environmental Assessment - March 2015 (PDF, 2.40 MB)
     Appendix A - March 2015 (PDF, 233 KB)
     Appendix B - March 2015 (PDF, 7.58 MB)
     Appendix C - March 2015 (PDF, 3.02 MB)

Southern Nevada Intertie Project
     Finding of no significant impact - November 2014 (PDF, 12.8 MB)
     Final Environmental Assessment (EA) - November 2014 (PDF, 14.7 MB)

Mohave County Wind Farm Project
     Record of Decision, Final Environmental Impact Statement and Plan of Development

Rehabilitation of Date Street 100 and 200 Buildings, Boulder City, NV
     Finding of No Significant Impact Amendment 1 - January 2012 (PDF, 327 KB)
     Final Environmental Assessment (EA) & Finding of No Significant Impact - July 2011 (PDF, 1.6 MB)
     Appendix A - July 2011 (PDF, 2.9 MB)
     Final EA News Release

     Draft Environmental Assessment - May 2011 (PDF, 1.5 MB)
     Draft EA News Release

Water Conservation Field Services Program for FY2011-2016, Southern Nevada, Northwestern Arizona, Southwestern Utah, and Needles, CA
     Final Environmental Assessment & Finding of No Significant Impact - June 2011 (PDF, 3.9 MB)
     News Release

Controlling Quagga Mussels in the Cooling Water System at Davis Dam Using Zequanox, Laughlin, Nev. and Bullhead City, Ariz.
     Final Facility Treatments Report - July 2012 (PDF, 714 KB)
     Final Environmental Assessment & Finding of No Significant Impact - June 2011 (PDF, 2.3 MB)
     Final EA Appendices - June 2011 (PDF, 8 MB)
     News Release

     Draft Environmental Assessment - April 2011 (PDF, 2 MB)
     Draft EA Appendices - April 2011 (PDF, 5.2 MB)
     News Release

Laguna Division Conservation Area, Yuma County, AZ and Imperial County, CA
     Final Environmental Assessment & Finding of No Significant Impact - February 2011 (multiple PDFs)
     To access, click on the small arrows next to "Laguna Division Conservation Area", then "Technical Reports" for the report and "Appendices" for the appendices section.

South Hollywood Desert Cleanup, Clark County, NV
     Finding of No Significant Impact - January 2011 (PDF, 148 KB)
     Bureau of Land Management Environmental Assessment (PDF, 498 KB)
     Bureau of Land Management Finding of No Significant Impact (PDF, 64 kB)

Laughlin Regional Heritage Greenway Trail - North Reach, Clark County, NV
     Finding of No Significant Impact - Amendment 1 - November 2010 (PDF, 255 KB)
     Finding of No Significant Impact - May 2007 (PDF, 1.3 MB)

Repair of Yuma Cove Razorback Sucker Rearing Pond, Mohave County, AZ
     Finding of No Significant Impact - October 2010 (PDF, 607 KB)

Swimmer Defense System Testing at Davis Dam, Clark County, NV and Mohave County, AZ
     Finding of No Significant Impact - October 2010 (PDF, 688 KB)

WaterSMART Water and Energy Efficiency Program and Water Conservation Field Services Grants: Water Smart Landscape Rebate Program, Clark County, NV
     Finding of No Significant Impact & Final Supplemental Environmental Assessment - September 2010 (PDF, 2.98 MB)

Boulder Canyon Operations Office Green Building, Boulder City, NV
     Finding of No Significant Impact & Final Environmental Assessment - September 2009 (PDF, 2.6 MB)

Last Updated: 11/4/16