NIAAA extramural divisions support basic and clinical research across the country and around the world.


Division of Epidemiology and Prevention Research 

Director: Dr. Ralph Hingson

The Division of Epidemiology and Prevention Research (DEPR) seeks to reduce alcohol-related mortality and morbidity and other alcohol-related problems and consequences through the integration and application of epidemiology and prevention science.
Director: Dr. Kathy Jung
The Division of Metabolism and Health Effects (DMHE) supports basic and clinical research studies to identify the molecular pathways through which alcohol causes organ and tissue damage, with the goal of identifying targets for drug discovery to prevent or treat alcohol-related disorders.
Director: Dr. Antonio Noronha
The Division of Neuroscience and Behavior (DNB) promotes research on ways in which neuronal and behavioral systems are influenced by genetic, developmental, and environmental factors in conjunction with alcohol exposure to engender alcohol use disorder.
Division of Treatment and Recovery Research
Acting Director: Dr. Robert Huebner
The Division of Treatment and Recovery Research (DTRR) supports research to better understand the natural history of excessive drinking and alcohol use disorders and factors associated with positive change.

Division of Medications Development

Acting Director: Dr. Raye Z. Litten 

The Division of Medications Development focuses on pharmacological treatment for alcohol use disorder (AUD) and supports clinical research programs.  


Additional Information on NIAAA Extramural Programs, Offices and Initiative

