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The sun rises over Pine Forest Range in Nevada.  Photo by Bob Wick, BLM.

Land Tenure

An important component of the BLM's land-management strategy is transfer of land ownership or land interests through purchases and donations, sales and exchanges, and withdrawals.  

The BLM completes such transactions when they are in the public interest and consistent with publicly approved land-use plans. The BLM's land tenure activities aim to:

  • Improve management of natural resources through consolidation of federal, tribal, state and private lands;
  • Increase recreational opportunities and ensure public access to public lands;
  • Preserve open space and traditional landscapes;
  • Secure key property necessary to protect endangered species, promote biological diversity and preserve wildlife habitat and migration corridors;
  • Preserve archaeological, historical and paleontological resources; and
  • Implement specific acquisitions authorized by Congress.
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Points of Contact

Each BLM state office has a land tenure contact who can help with these transactions.  

Download the list of contacts.