A group of burros under a tree next to a road. Photo by Alex Neibergs/BLM

Chemehuevi HMA

This area is a burro herd.  They are believed to have originated from mining operations in the 1800s. With introduction of the railroad in this area the miners often abandoned their animals in the desert foothills.  The burros come in many colors besides gray and brown, such as a blue, black, and pink.  They are very camoflauged in their habitat.  These animals range from 11 to 13 hands and weigh from 500 to 600 pounds.

Location: The Chemehuevi Herd Management Area is located in eastern San Bernardino County, CA and encompasses an area from 7 miles south of Needles, CA to the Parker Dam and includes land east of U.S. 95 eastward to the Colorado River.

Size: 138,333 acres

Topography/Vegetation: The major vegetative type is of the Mojave Desert ecosystem, dominated by creosote bush and other shrubs, with sparse herbaceous understory.  Joshua trees also live in this area providing shade for the animals.  Dry lake beds, also called playas, are scattered in the area.  The elevations vary from below sea level to mountains.  The Colorado River is a major water source in the area.

Wildlife: Smaller mammalian species and many reptiles are common in these ecosystems.   Jackrabbits, coyote, badgers, occasional mule deer, big horn sheep in the higher elevations, and many rodent species live in the area.

AML:  97-108