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Your Environment. Your Health.

HAZMAT Safety & Training

Worker Training Program


Joseph T. Hughes Jr.
Joseph T. Hughes Jr, M.P.H.
Program Director
Tel (919) 541-0217
Fax (919) 541-0462
P.O. Box 12233
Mail Drop K3-14
Research Triangle Park, NC 27709

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The NIEHS Worker Training Program Produces Positive Returns

In a new report, an annual federal investment of $3.5 million in the Environmental Career Worker Training Program (ECWTP) generates a $100 million return. The economists who authored the report found fiscal benefits in the program’s positive effect on earnings that also lead to additional revenue through taxes, reduced costs related to workplace injury, a reduction in hiring costs for businesses, decreased costs related to crime, and fewer social program transfers.

The Economic Impact of the ECWT Program(1MB)

2015-2020 WTP Awards

The WTP currently funds 18 awardees(100KB) representing over 100 universities, labor-based safety programs, and other institutions. More than 3 million workers across the country have received WTP-supported safety and health training.

The NIEHS Worker Training Program (WTP) was established under the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986 (SARA). The program funds nonprofit organizations with a demonstrated track record of providing high-quality occupational safety and health training to workers involved in handling hazardous materials or in responding to emergency releases of hazardous materials.

Creating Model Training Programs to Protect Workers

The WTP supports curricula development and training programs throughout the United States to help employers meet requirements under the Occupational Safety and Health Administration Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response (HAZWOPER) standard and U. S. Environmental Protection Agency standards for hazardous waste operations and emergency response.

The WTP encourages innovation in training difficult-to-reach populations by addressing issues such as:

  • Appropriate adult education techniques
  • Literacy
  • Training quality improvement

The program enhances, rather than replaces, private sector training responsibility by demonstrating new and cost-effective training techniques and materials.


Kathy Ahlmark
Kathy A. Ahlmark
Program Analyst

Tel (919) 541-7825
Not Pictured
Clifton Baldwin
Grants Technical Assistant

Tel (919) 541-0303
Fax (919) 541-0462
Sharon Beard
Sharon D. Beard, M.S.
Industrial Hygienist

Tel (919) 541-1863
Fax (301) 451-5595
Not Pictured
Jim Remington
Program Analyst

Tel (919) 541-0035
Fax (301) 480-2924
Demia Wright
Demia S. Wright, M.P.H.
Public Health Educator

Tel (919) 316-4638
Fax (919) 541-3976

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