Nano Mag Flux Lines BNL

Color-enhanced image of magnetic flux lines around individual nickel nanodots.  (Brookhaven National Laboratory)

The Office of Science has several vehicles to update the public on the latest scientific outcomes of funded projects. The content is available as In the News articles, In Focus articles, and presentations and testimony.

Featured Articles

Kelly Gaffney is the director of the Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource.01.18.17Profile

Meet the Director: Kelly Gaffney

Kelly Gaffney is the director of the SSRL, a user facility that produces extremely bright x-rays as a resource for researchers to study our world at the atomic and molecular level of energy production, environmental remediation, nanotechnology, new materials, and medicine. Read More »

John Hill, NSLS-II Director, is shown here overlooking the Electron-Spectro-Microscopy Beamline on the NSLS-II Experimental Floor.  01.11.17Profile

Meet the Director: John Hill

John Hill directs the NSLS-II User Facility in its mission, providing extremely bright X-rays for basic and applied research in biology and medicine, materials and chemical sciences, geosciences and environmental sciences, and nanoscience. Read More »

Stuart Henderson, the new Director of the U.S. Department of Energy’s Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility. 01.10.17From the Labs

New Director Named to Lead U.S. Department of Energy’s Jefferson LabExternal link

Jefferson Science Associates, LLC announce that Stuart Henderson will become the new Director of the U.S. Department of Energy’s Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility in Newport News, Virginia. Read More »

Science Headlines

01.24.17User Facility

A Rising Peptide: Supercomputing Helps Scientists Come Closer to Tailoring Drug MoleculesExternal link

With the help of the Mira supercomputer, located at the Argonne Leadership Computing Facility at the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Argonne National Laboratory a team of researchers led by biophysicists at the University of Washington have come one step closer to designing tailor-made drug molecules that are more precise and carry fewer side effects than most existing therapeutic compounds. Read More »

01.24.17User Facility

sPHENIX Gets CD0 for Upgrade to Experiment Tracking the Building Blocks of MatterExternal link

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has granted “Critical Decision-Zero” (CD-0) status to the sPHENIX project, a transformation of one of the particle detectors at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC)—a DOE Office of Science User Facility at Brookhaven National Laboratory—into a research tool with unprecedented precision for tracking subatomic interactions. Read More »

01.23.17User Facility

Seeking Structure With Metagenome SequencesExternal link

A team led by University of Washington’s David Baker worked with researchers at the Joint Genome Institute to generate structural models for 12 percent of the approximately 15,000 protein families, using computational modeling methods to view structures and determine protein functions. Read More »

Science Highlights

01.23.17Science Highlight

Supercomputers for Quantum Computers

Researchers simulate the design of new quantum bits for easier engineering of quantum computers. Read More »

01.23.17Science Highlight

Bacteria’s Secret Weapon

Enzyme Shows Promise for Efficiently Converting Plant Biomass to Biofuels Read More »

01.23.17Science Highlight

Methylmercury Sleuths Armed with New Spotlight

Researchers can now more quickly identify which microbes produce mercury toxins the environment Read More »

Presentations & Testimony


DOE Office of Science Update.pdf file (6.3MB)

DOE Office of Science Director Cherry Murray provides an Office of Science Update at the March 2016 Meeting of the American Physical Society.


FY 2017 President’s Budget Request for DOE’s Office of Science.pdf file (7.0MB)

DOE Office of Science Director Cherry Murray presents the details of White House FY 2017 budget request.


Statement of Patricia Dehmer, Acting Director of the Office of Science, Before the House Committee on Appropriations Subcommittee on Energy & Water Development.pdf file (60KB)

Acting Director Patricia Dehmer discusses the President’s FY 2016 Budget Request for the Office of
Science in the Department of Energy (DOE).

Last modified: 6/10/2014 9:34:22 AM