Marine Mineral Studies

Programmatic Alabama Delaware
Florida  Louisiana Maryland
New Jersey  New York North Carolina
Texas Virginia   

The BOEM Marine Minerals Program has focused its funding in three different areas of research. These three areas include biological studies, numerical wave modeling studies, and programmatic studies with a focus on impacts on the environment due to dredging.

  1. Biological Studies (B)
    The primary purpose of BOEM-funded biological studies has been to address biological concerns raised by the potential for adverse environmental impacts on marine life as a consequence of dredging sand on the OCS. In order to develop an understanding of the baseline benthic ecological conditions at offshore borrow sites prior to any dredging activity, BOEM has funded numerous site-specific, field-oriented studies. These studies have entailed the compilation and synthesis of existing oceanographic literature and available data sets which exist within identified offshore borrow areas, as well as biological field sampling surveys.
  1. Physical/Modeling Studies (P)
    BOEM has also funded numerical wave modeling studies to examine the potential for alteration in the local wave field following dredging and the excavation of sand within identified borrow sites. The modeling also explores the potential for increased wave action after dredging and any resultant adverse localized changes in erosional patterns and longshore coastal transport which might result in significant losses of beach sand after renourishment. These efforts have enabled BOEM-funded researchers to further explore the potential for changes in local sediment transport rates, as well as the cumulative physical effects of multiple dredging events.
  1. Environmental Impact Investigations (E)

Environmental Effects of Dredging Operations

Recognizing that the environmental effects of dredging operations in many instances are similar for all areas, programmatic-type studies have also been initiated to examine the effects of particular types of dredging operations on various aspects of the physical, chemical, and biological environments, and to develop or recommend appropriate mitigation, laboratory modeling, or monitoring techniques to alleviate or prevent adverse environmental impacts.

Programmatic Studies:

Alabama Studies

Delaware Studies

Florida Studies

Louisiana Studies

Maryland Studies

New Jersey Studies

New York

North Carolina Studies

Texas Studies

  • Investigation of finfish assemblages and benthic habitats within potential borrow areas in Federal waters offshore Southeastern Texas and Southwestern Louisiana. (Ongoing Study - BOEM/USGS Biological Resource Division Research) (B)
  • Utilization of finfish assemblages and benthic habitats within potential borrow areas in Federal Waters Offshore Southeastern Texas and Southwestern Louisiana. (Ongoing Study - BOEM/USGS Biological Resource Division Research) (B)

Virginia Studies