Resource Survey Reports (RSR)

The Resource Survey Report consists of field notes, station and catch summaries, and a series of geographical plots of commercial and recreationally important species caught during the Ecosystem Surveys Branch's seasonal bottom trawl, surfclam and scallop resource cruises.  Specific details about the nets, doors, liners, and dredges used during these trips can be found within each report.  Tow duration and areas of operation will also vary depending on the type of survey.  All stations are randomly selected and catches can be light compared with commercial tows.   Also, vessel operations are on a 24-hour basis and catches have not been adjusted for day/night differences.   Nevertheless, this data can provide fishermen with useful information about the distribution and relative abundance of species inhabiting the survey area (Cape Hatteras to the Gulf of Maine, including Georges Bank). Please select the corresponding survey type you are looking for in the "Related Links" section in the left navigation bar to view its RSR.

Autumn Bottom Trawl Survey (ABTS) RSR's
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(File Modified Jul. 13 2012)