USAID Impact Photo Credit: USAID and Partners

Claire McIntyre

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When Violence Is Not the Exception

USAID’s Wajood project works to increase access to gender-based violence services such as counseling, trainings and linkages, and to transform negative gender norms within communities. /Amy Fowler, USAID

In India, rape is the fastest growing crime. According to the country’s National Crime Records Bureau, every 29 minutes, a woman is raped; and every nine minutes, a case of cruelty at the hands of a husband or relative occurs. Gender-based violence (GBV) is widespread. It threatens the health, freedom and security of victims and yet remains largely hidden by a culture of silence. USAID, however, is working to change these statistics.

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Harnessing the Power of Innovation to Save Mothers and Children

A mother and her daughter in Utter Pradesh, India. /PATH/Gabe Bienczycki

One year after the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were agreed upon, I am optimistic about the potential to reach many of the health targets, including the goal to end preventable deaths of mothers and children. My optimism is fueled by the commitment of country leaders around the world to “finish the job” and the many […]

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Why Investing in Entrepreneurs Reaps Big Rewards

Vava Angwenyi of Vava Coffee shares coffee with a coffee farmer and supplier in Kenya. Vava’s social enterprise is being supported by USAID’s Partnering to Accelerate Entrepreneurship Initiative through partner Intellecap. /Vava Coffee

“The biggest challenge is access to funding—it’s that simple.” I have heard this refrain from entrepreneurs for years. This time, I was listening to Vava Angwenyi—an entrepreneur who started the Kenya-based social enterprise Vava Coffee seven years ago—speak about the most difficult obstacle in growing her business. USAID believes entrepreneurs are critical drivers of inclusive […]

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Lighting the Career Path for Girls in the Energy Sector

Girls visit a substation at Kenya Power and Lighting Co.’s Bring Your Daughter to Work Day. /Ellen Dragotto, USAID

Where does a girl dream about working as an engineer and running her country’s power facility? It certainly was not the first career choice for Queen Esther, a Nigerian schoolgirl who had always dreamed of becoming a fashion designer. But after spending a day at her father’s workplace, Nigeria’s main electricity utility, EkoElectricity Distribution Co., […]

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Improving—and Sustaining—Food and Nutrition Security for the Most Vulnerable: A New Food for Peace Strategy

After the 2010 earthquake in Haiti, merchants such as Belleus Pierre, 31, used T-Cash to sell basic food staples to families benefiting from the USAID-funded food assistance program implemented by Mercy Corps. Her participation in the program meant she had a steady flow of customers to her store, providing her own family with much needed income. /Lisa Hoashi, Mercy Corps

Next week, USAID’s Office of Food for Peace (FFP), the largest provider of food assistance in the world, is marking a milestone—we’re issuing a new 10-year food assistance and food security strategy. An office unique within USAID for its dual relief and development mandate, FFP’s new strategy focuses on getting results for millions of vulnerable […]

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Tracking Rumors to Contain Disease: The Case of DeySay in Liberia’s Ebola Outbreak

Ambulances at the site of an Ebola flare-up in Margibi County, Liberia. /Kate Thomas

Rumors spread misinformation, fuel mistrust, cause panic and sometimes even prompt irrational behaviors. This is particularly true in the context of a health emergency when accurate information about a disease—how to prevent, detect, contain and treat it—can mean the difference between staying healthy or becoming infected and, in the worst case scenario, dying from it. […]

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How Vocational Training Is Changing the Destinies of Morocco’s Youth

Youth participate in a morning sewing class at the Chifae Association, a USAID-supported NGO providing vocational training to local youth in an impoverished urban neighborhood in Tangiers. /USAID

Moroccan youth, who make up a third of their country’s population, represent a massive pool of untapped talent and potential. To help provide them with an alternative, USAID and its partners in Morocco are working together to provide sustainable opportunities for youth.

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How USAID and the Military Are Building Resilience in the Asia-Pacific

s part of the Groundwater Modeling Workshop, participants visited the Batheay district of Kampong Cham province in Cambodia, where they examined groundwater pumping wells, like the one pictured, and discussed methods for determining groundwater flow direction. /Cambodian Ministry of Environment

As members of the International Union for Conservation of Nature World Conservation Congress gather in Hawaii this week to shape the direction of conservation and sustainable development, USAID celebrates its partnership with U.S. Pacific Command and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to improve the livelihoods of families in the Asia-Pacific.

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Giving Birth in Ukraine: So Different From My Parents’ Experience

Getting ready to become a mom. /Olya Myrtsalo, USAID/Christian Kitschenberg

The positive effects of USAID programming continue even after a project ends. When it was time to choose where to give birth, this mother-to-be turned to a hospital that had benefited from USAID support — support that ended three years before the birth of her child. Ukraine’s recent 25th anniversary of independence provides an opportunity to reflect on the changes and progress the country has made.

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If Fighting Hunger Were an Olympic Event

Emmanuel Ngulube visits programs in the field. /USAID

One of USAID’s best weapons for fighting hunger in Malawi is Emmanuel Ngulube, an officer with the Agency’s Office of Food for Peace who has dedicated his entire career to fighting hunger across Africa.

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